Sunday, November 24, 2013

Today's Challenge is by a God fearing woman.  I am honest here....this was hard for me to read but it's a reality I keep telling myself but do nothing about.  How can I strive to be a godly wife and mother if I, myself am not godly?  Here is a great quote I came across...
"It's not a parents responsibility to have Godly Children...It's a parents responsibility to make sure their children have Godly parents!"

Laboring in Vain 

  I’ve been praying, asking the Lord what to share with you ladies…and while this is nothing new, it is hard, and it is life changing.

My conversation with God went a little like this:

  “OK God, there’s just two days left until my post and I still don’t know what you want me to say.  What do these ladies need to know?  I’ve mentioned several topics to you, things I’ve learned…useful things…but I still don’t know what YOU want me to say.  Will you tell me?”

And he spoke these words into my heart.

They don’t know me.

  “Oh no.  I can’t say that.  Isn’t there something safe I can say?  Something useful, witty maybe, nice and cute, and…safe?”

Silence was His response.

  “Who am I to say they don’t know you?  I don’t know you, not really, not like I should.”

Silence was His response again.

Have you ever noticed how loud silence can be?

So I will share what I’ve recently learned, what’s changing my life.

  Let’s start with a question: What are you striving for?  What is your goal?  Being a great wife or mother?  Juggling responsibilities from home, work, friends, kids, church, and still looking pulled-together on Sunday?  Restoring romance in your marriage?  What about faith…we all need more joy, along with more patience, right?  I’ve spent plenty of time asking God to help me in all areas of life, because I fall short everywhere.  There are entire books on all manner of important topics: marriage, parenting, time-management, budgeting, hospitality…and no matter how helpful these books are, or how much we study and apply knowledge, we continue to fall short.

And we can’t figure out why.

  “Why God, why doesn’t my husband love me anymore?  Why are my children in rebellion?  Why am I beckoned day and night for every little need, yet not appreciated?”

And the truth sinks in as I hear…

  “Why Molly?  Why doesn’t my bride love me?  Why are my children in rebellion?  Why am I beckoned day and night for every little need, yet not appreciated?”

  Do you hear what I’m telling you?  Here is where the rubber meets the road.  You can have a saving faith in Jesus, and not know Him.  You can believe the word of God, even live by it, and not be in love with the King of Kings.  Just like you can be married, and not be “one flesh” with your husband.

  So here’s the thing.  When we focus on Jesus, we can walk on water.  When the waves of busyness and trials of this life distract us, the waves start pulling us down.  Not because of the waves, but because of us.  Because we’re looking at the problem, rather than resting in the One who is the safe place in any storm.

  So instead of focusing on my husband and seeing his flaws, I’m purposing to look at the One who will make him perfect in His time.  Rather than pursuing hobbies, I’m going to spend my energy seeking the One worth finding.  Rather than despairing over circumstances, I’m going to thank Him for making all things work together for good.

  I like a good challenge to liven things up, and there is wisdom in placing hedges of protection.  But if God is not in the midst of your family garden, no amount of hedges will make it thrive.

Here is my challenge.  OK, it’s two challenges.  You can thank Stacie later. :D

1)   For the duration of this marriage challenge, rise early to go before the Lord.  Thank Him for everything, praise Him, and ask Him to restore your heart.  Only a heart full of the glory of God can pour out to those around it.  You cannot give what you do not have.

2)   Between now and the end of this challenge, write a personal “mission statement”.  Seek God’s purpose for the resources (time, money, talents, etc.) He’s given you and eliminate anything that may be in competition for those resources.  If it helps, make a list in order of your priorities. 

#1 Seek God 

#2 Hug my husband 10 times a day

…and so on.  If #10 is “bake treats for Sunday School” and your time runs out before you get to it, you know what needs to be eliminated.  When we skip to number 10 to say “yes” to others, we are telling our families “no” by default.

Obligating ourselves beyond what we can responsibly do is laboring in vain.  At the end of the day it’s how much we’ve loved that matters, not how much we’ve accomplished.

“Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it;
Unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.” Psalm 127:1

“Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man’s all.”  Ecclesiastes 12:13

and in case you missed this encouraging prayer....

Oh, Father God, please let us show your love to our families at home, when no one is watching but You and them. Please change our hearts from the inside out, in every place we are, so that everyone- especially our families- may see You and what your Son has done for us on the cross. 

You know our weaknesses- please give us words of life for our families this week. Please show us the right way and give us the words to speak through your Holy Spirit. Help us to love the people you have given us to live in our home every day. We need you to turn our hearts of stone into hearts of flesh.

Thank you Jesus for your work that allows us to become a new creation! We love you and praise you God for who you are, and for your mercy toward us. Thank you Father for your love!!

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