Tuesday, November 12, 2013

This challenge hits close to home for me and maybe for you ladies too.  In this day and age, technology is all around us.  It is so easy to get on our smart phones or computers to quick check on Facebook for any new pictures a friend has posted, or to see if anyone has a status update.   Or, Pinterest.  What a blessing and a curse in one.  Yes, there are great DIY’s and recipes, but it’s never just a quick peek at what’s new either.  Ladies, my challenge is this, when your husbands are home, no phones or computers.  Let us devote all our attention towards our studly men.  For some, this may be easy, others it may be a little difficult.  Want to take it a step further?  After reading today's challenge, tune off from the internet if you don’t use it for work.  Every time you think about getting on Facebook or even Pinterest, pray for your husband instead.  Go through the list of prayers and dive into His word whenever you are tempted to get online.  Pray for your willpower too!  I will be praying for all of you ladies too for today!

Guest post by Dana Imhoff

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