Our Story


This is me!  I am a wife to an incredibly Godly man, a dream of a father and amazing husband.  I am a mother to four seriously awesome boys!  I can't even begin to list all things I am in love with but if you needed the top 5 here they are:
1. God - His incredible grace that He has gifted me, that I am so undeserving of
2. My husband - sorry but I am not afraid to tell you that he is one hunk! 
3. My boys - gifts I still do not understand as to why God has entrusted them to me of all people but that makes me all the more grateful
4. Coffee - yes that's right! I said and I am not ashamed! I might need help and I might have headaches if ever I need to ween of it a bit but I love it! Behind it would be apple spiced tea!
5. Canning - I find great joy in hearing can lids pop telling me I have successfully canned jam, peaches, pie filling, spaghetti sauce, tomatoes...and so on!
Oh! one more...Reading!  I have a shelf on my bookshelf next to my reading chair where I keep all the books I need to read.  Let's just say I am running out of space!
Oh why not one more...photography! I do have a deep passion for photography and capturing God's great glory and beauty through the lens!
one more??? Why not! Spending sweet cherished time with women of faith! Love it...wouldn't trade it for anything! 

I do hope that you get to know my passions through this blog! I hope Christ shines through this blog and that you are continually encouraged and uplifted!

This is my family

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