Saturday, May 16, 2015

Good Morning Girls! Just a quick note...tomorrows devotional is a "re-cap" I believe. I think that is what they do on Sundays. I have to be to church super early so I won't be able to do this tomorrow but if we all just spend the day praying we will pick up again on Monday smile emoticon
Speaking of...let's pray! Jesus, you are so good. You are so kind and gracious. We are learning that you are so patient with us even when we are not patient with you. We are learning that because of your great love for us and your patience that we can have a deep, meaningful, intimate peace with you, ourselves and others and because of that peace we have no excuse to not joyfully serve you! Teach us Lord about kindness. True, loving kindness. Not kindness to get ahead or to gain for ourselves but Kindness to grow your kingdom! May we practice that ALL glory and honor to you! We love you Jesus, Amen!

Galations 6:10 says this, "Therefore, as we have opportunity, Let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers."
We learned about peace that few things are as dishonoring to Christ as Christians quarreling among each other. I often ask myself this question...."what if when we see someone...we put away all measuring sticks. This means, no pre-judgment, race, background, etc. and we just looked at them as our brother or sister in Christ dearly loved and created by God? Wouldn't we be different if we truly loved and feared God?"

Kindness is the sincere desire for the happiness of others.

Listen to this... "Our natural inclination is to show kindness to ONLY those for whom we have some natural affinity; family, friends, likable neighbors. But God shows kindness to those who are most despicable: the ungrateful and wicked. Have you ever tried to be kind to someone who was ungrateful? God doesn't turn His back on the ungrateful, and so Jesus says to us, "Love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back" (Luke 6:35)"

1. Why should we be kind to the ungrateful?
2. How has God been kind to you?

Meditate on Matthew 25:31-46

If you have some extra time I highly encourage this blog post by my pastor.
I think it has some great insight on to when your kindness may be taken advantage of and some warning signs to watch out for.

Happy Weekend all!!!!

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