Thursday, May 14, 2015

Fruit of the Spirit Study Day #4

Good Morning Girls! Day #4.....on peace.....yeah I have a feeling this WHOLE study is going hurt...but discipline is good right? 
wink emoticon

Jesus, thank you for this morning. Here the birds are chirping and the sun is out! Thank you for these girls and their desire to grow in their faith. Thank you for your Word. Thank you that it is and it speaks straight to us! WE love you Jesus! Amen.

Pray through Psalm 119 today!
This resonated with me huge! "It’s hard for me to admit my version of peace isn’t actually real peace. My version of peace is everything under control, my control—books alphabetized and noses wiped. True peace is a soul rightly aligned with the way of Christ."
Peace is actually threefold. To obtain peace we must have all of the following: Peace with God, Peace within ourselves and Peace with other people.

Peace with God: We cannot have peace within ourselves or peace with others until we have peace with God. What does that look like? Prior to our salvation, because we were born in sin, our relationship with God was characterized by alienation and enmity (colossians 1:21). But upon entering a personal relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ, however, all this changes. Instead of being opposed to us, God is now for us. WE must pursue what makes for peace, both within and without, in dependence upon the Holy Spirit, realizing that the fruit of peace is His fruit, not ours.

Personal Peace: Christians are not exempt from this turmoil of a sinful world. We, too, experience the anxiety of disquieting circumstances and the anguish of broken relationships. But peace should be a hallmark of the godly person, first because it is a godlike trait and second because God has promised His peace. Your responsibility is to not listen to the lies of Satan telling you that if God loved you he wouldn't let you go through this trying situation. If God was great he would take your loved one and make him miraculously healthy again. If God was loving he wouldn't let cancer overcome people. Persevere to hear God's truth!

Peace with Men: Just listen to these "Blessed are the peacemakers" (Matthew 5:9); "As far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." (Romans 12:18); "Make every effort to do what leads to peace." (Romans 14:19); "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace." (Colossians 3:15); "Make every effort to live in peace with all men." (Hebrews 12:14); It's not an option for those of us who proclaim Christianity. It's commanded. Few things are as dishonoring to the cause of Christ as Christians quarreling among themselves. Let's face it...quarreling almost always stems from sinful behavior and almost always it's sinful behavior in both parties.

1. On a scale of 0 to 5, how would you assess your...
peace with God? peace within yourself? peace with others?

2. What, if anything, is currently disturbing your peace?
3. How does the Devil slander God to you? If it applies to you, complete this sentence: "If God really loved me...."
4. If you have wronged someone or have been wronged by someone, what can you do to restore peace? What attitudes do you need to cultivate through prayer?

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