Saturday, November 2, 2013

Marriage Challenge #2 on Prayer

Today I challenge you to pray for your husbands work.

"Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands for us; yes, establish the work of our hands."
~Psalm 90:17~

Whether your husband is still in school, trying to figure out what to do with his life, in the midst of the storm of mundane work or very successful at what he does....there is no denying he needs prayer.
A man's identity is often very tied up in his work.  He needs to be appreciated and he needs to win, and his work is often a means of seeing both happen.  If he is doing work that is demeaning to him, he feels devalued as a person.  If his work is not successful, he feels like a loser...not good enough.

God recognizes that a man's work is a source of fulfillment to him.  He says there is nothing better than for a man to "enjoy the good of all his labor -  it is the gift of God" (Ecclesiastes 3:13).  The fact that many men are not fulfilled in their work has less to do with what their work is than with whether or not they have a sense of purpose. 

If your husband is still in school, pray for him.  Pray for his focus and pray for his direction.  
If you husband is in the midst of the storm of mundane work (like mine), pray for appreciation, meaning and value.  Pray for direction as well and most importantly pray that God opens his eyes to see where God can use him and why he is there.  Pray that he has courage to share the Gospel or daring enough to find out how God wants to use him in that job.
Even if your husband has the perfect job and is very successful continue to pray for him.  Pray that he keeps his eyes on the eternal.  Pray that he has the courage to live differently than other successful men...that he has the courage to live for Christ and stand up for truth.  That he has the courage to not go with men who are not of truth.  Pray that he stays humble. 

Whatever the case your husband needs prayer in this area of his life.  Also, if your husband loves your family and wants to support them then more than likely they work hard.  Make sure they get time of rest and enjoyment.  He needs to reprieve from the weight of supporting a family, big or small.  If they don't they will be prone to burnout and temptation and falling away from God.  

~Colossians 3:23~
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters".

Show your husband you appreciate him today for the little things he does for you!

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