Sunday, November 3, 2013

Marriage Challenge Day #3 on Prayer

ahhhhhhh......we are going to get the tough ones out of the way first.  If we can tackle prayer on the closest things to our mans heart I feel the other's will fall naturally into place. 

Today you are praying for his sexuality...and yours.
On top of learning how to pray for his work and his wife ;) learn how to pray for your intimacy together.

"Do not deprive one another except with consent for a time, that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again so that Satan does not tempt you because of your lack of self-control"
~ 1 Corinthians 7: 4,5~

I've been a part of many conversations, some of which I wished I could close my eyes and plug my ears and travel to a far away land.  Men degrading their wives because they are not "satisfied enough", women degrading their husbands because they think they are pigs. It saddened me to witness such accounts.  This is not how God designed it or what God designed it for.  God did not design intimacy to be dirty, seductive or full of fantasies.  He did not design it to be selfish or only self-gratifying.  When two people love each other and together they want to please God, intimacy falls right into place.  Husband and wife are meant to pursue the pleasures God has created for the marriage relationship.  Paul tells us that our bodies are not our own when we marry (1 Corinthians 7).  That each of our bodies are at our spouse's disposal.  HOWEVER he does not state that we use each other's bodies for our own pleasure and that is it.  He tells us that we are give our husband what is his and he is to give you what is yours.  When sex in marriage is viewed rightly it is a beautiful picture.  It is compared to the pleasure awaiting us in Heaven.  When you take all worldliness out of your sexual relationship in marriage and focus on the Godliness you lose sight of all things selfish.  
Stop viewing your husband like the world portrays him...start viewing him as the ONE person God has chosen for you to share your body...your most intimate parts with.  Start viewing sex as something God created for you to enjoy with this one man.  When you view sex in your marriage in a Godly way...there is 100% satisfaction.  There is no need to fulfill anything ungodly.  There is no boredom.

I encourage you to find someone who is wise and has been through many years of marriage that allows you to open up to them about something as intimate as this.  Just one person.  Not all of your girlfriends on your next girls out.  This is not something that needs to be publicized to everyone.  Start asking God to change your view in your sexual relationship with your husband.  Ask him to wash away any past guilt and renew your heart and your mind and make your sexual relationship with your husband new and fulfilling.  Get out of your mind anything negative about your husband and only desiring sex 24/7 and be delighted that he desires you and that you can fulfill that desire to it's fullest.  Get in a mindset of serving him in a way no one else can and be delighted in that.  Do not view it as a duty or obligation...pray that you delight in it and in him.  Pray that God gives you new eyes for your husband and a new desire.  Let God work in the most intimate part of your Him. 

Today's challenge is to think of 3 things that your husband does that gives you butterflies.  Think about them and tonight when you are kid free or quite make sure you look into his eyes and tell him those things.  Tell him they make your heart melt or give you butterflies or makes you blush a little.  Believe me...they like to know :).

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