Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thanks be to God....this is just what I needed

I have a few they are starting from most serious to least serious..

1. Coffee
2. Coffee Mugs
3.  Books
4.  Christmas Decorations

Some might say (those who have no addictions) that these are horrible things...I know it's a "mind" thing but there is something incredibly relaxing to me...even freeing a little to sit at night with a hot steaming cup of coffee and a good book.

A while ago I saw a friend post to her sisters wall on facebook (also a friend) something about trying out the book Love and Respect in the Family by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs.  So naturally while I was out with my brother I picked it up and placed it on my way too full "unread" shelf on my bookshelf.  Three times I went to read it and had no desire to be told how I wasn't handing my family right. Last night after another bad night for bedtime...I took a bath and grabbed the book (because it was there right in front of my eyes).  

A few weeks ago I posted about how I had had enough.  I felt like a horrible mother for having the urge to put the kids in bed, tuck them in with kisses and getting in my van and driving...away...forever.  
God knew I needed to read this book because one of the stories by the wife of the author talks about how she had these same feelings.  Like the story was identical about her wanting to hop on a motorcycle and drive far away.  

I highly recommend this book.  In the first 30 pages I underlined almost 30 times.  This isn't a self help's a book backed with Scripture and life experiences to back up that Scripture to give you insight from parents who have been there and their kids who are there now...wisdom in loving your children and the respect we should get in return.  
Love it already! 
Thanks Sadie for posting on your sisters wall so that I was encouraged to grab the book myself. 

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