Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Marriage Challenge Day #5

I'm so curious to see how you all are doing in this challenge.  I know it's easy to fall short but the nice thing about a challenge like this is you can fall away and come right back to it and now it's there on the facebook page and on my blog so you can start new if you want!

"Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.  For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things you wish"
~Galations 5:16,17~

Today's prayer challenge is to pray for his temptations.  I'm going to give you a little history of my family so that you can see why I am SO passionate about marriages staying together.  Have you heard of generational sin? Do you believe it's true? I don't know exactly where it started in my family because I know generations ago everything was "hush-hush" but my family is saturated with divorce and affair.  When I say saturated I mean I have aunts and uncles who are on their third marriages, my parents both are on their third marriages and there have been multiple witnessed affairs.  This is not what God intended.  I kind of "preach" to my brothers and sisters to never consider themselves exempt.  We are that next generation and I.want.to.see.it.STOP!  I want my generation in my family to have marriages that are centered on Christ where NO ONE can separate.  So can you see why I am passionate? 
Did you catch something important up there? NEVER CONSIDER YOURSELF EXEMPT!  Never consider your marriage exempt from temptations overcoming it and destroying it.  Always keep your guard up.  My husband and I have very strict guards.  He and I have both trained ourselves to look away at any commercial, movie or show showing too much skin.  He do not go anywhere to be anywhere alone with the opposite sex.  We keep our conversations surfaced with the opposite sex...especially if it's concerning our marriage...especially me.  Women are more prone to temptation through emotions...a man paying attention to her.  

"The eyes of man are never satisfied"
Proverbs 27:20

If that's true temptation is always a possibility and we must be ever watchful.  Alcohol, drugs, lust for money or power, food addictions, pornography or sexual immorality.  As women i think we tend to look at the sexual immoral and pornography as in the mans court.  However, statistics are ever growing that women are just as prone to it, if not more.  50 Shades of grey anyone? The enemy of our souls knows where our flesh is the weakest and he will put temptations in our paths at our most vulnerable points.  The question is not whether or not there will be temptations, it's how we will handle them when they arise.  The bible says, "Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him" (James 1:12)

We can try all we want but the truth is only prayer, a submitted heart, and the transforming power of the Holy Spirit can work those kinds of miracles.  The best time to start praying? Now! Before temptations come your way.  Jesus instructed His disciples to "pray that you may not enter into temptation" (Luke 22:40).  Your marriage is going to be a statistic...make it a good one!

Today's challenge is to put effort into your appearance.  If you've already gone out and are at work already that is fine...do it tonight, or while you're at work.  Do you know what he likes you in? My husband would choose a baseball cap, a t-shirt and tight jeans...yeah.

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