Friday, November 29, 2013

Marriage Challenge #26

So many times there are things that just get in between our marriages. 
Many times we don't recognize them until they are too late.  I am incredibly grateful that I was taught boundaries in marriage early in life.  I've mentioned before the past that I've learned so much from...especially in marriage.  

"Take heed to your spirit, and let none deal treacherously with the wife of his youth.  For the Lord God of Israel says that He hates divorce, 'for it covers one's garment with violence,' says the Lord of hosts."
~Malachi 2:15,16~

Gods intention for marriage is this gorgeous, Christ exalting union that leaves others speechless at the relationship.  If a marriage is designed to be Christ exalting, will not Satan desire to attack that all the more? Is not Satan a deceiver and liar? 

Things that can get in between our marriage may not seem big to us...but we are being deceived.  You must pray protection over your marriage because that is a union that is created to Glorify God greatly.  You must evaluate constantly and look to see where you are breaking some boundaries.  You must pray daily for God to show you what is coming between your relationship with Him and your relationship with your husband.  Like Molly said in her post...if we are drowning in sin how can we hear God speak to us? We need to be right with God before we can be fully right in our marriages.  

Some of the boundaries we have set up are as follows:
I share no emotional feelings or deep personal feelings with men and Brian does the same with women.
We make sure at gatherings that we are never alone with that of the opposite sex.
We do not intimately hug the opposite sex (Yes a friendly side hug is okay but we honestly don't hug the opposite sex at all...we stay clear and do a hand shake, wave, fist pump ;) ). 
We do not study the bible alone with the opposite sex
We do not talk about our marriages with the opposite sex
We pray, we talk and we desire God to protect our marriage. 

The reason we never confide in the opposite sex is because it can be so dangerous.  It can lead us women especially to find emotions with another man other than our husband.  Thoughts of infidelity may rise and honestly nothing good comes from that.  Think of that and remind yourself every time that nothing good will come of it...maybe a slight adrenaline rush...that's it. 

Is there something, maybe listed above, or maybe that the list above helped you identify that might be getting in between your marriage? What about something completely different? I want you to evaluate your marriage relationship today and brainstorms ways to bring you and your husband closer.  Pray! PRAY! Pray for God to reveal it!

"Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor.  For if they fall, one will lift up his companion.  But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up."
~Ecclesiastes 4:9, 10

Lord, I pray you would protect our marriage from anything that would harm or destroy it.  Shield it from our own selfishness and neglect, from the evil plans and desires of others, and from unhealthy or dangerous situations.  May there be no thoughts of divorce or infidelity in our hearts, and none in our future.  Set us free from past hurts, memories, and ties from previous relationships, and unrealistic expectations of one another.  I pray that there be no jealousy in either of us, or the low self-esteem that precede that.  Let nothing come into our hearts and habits that would threaten the marriage in any way, especially influences like alcohol, drugs, gambling, pornography, lust or obsessions.  Unite us in a bond of friendship, commitment, generosity, and understanding.   Eliminate our immaturity, hostility, or feelings of inadequacy.  Help us to make time for one another alone, to nurture and renew the marriage and remind ourselves of the reasons we were married in the first place.  I pray that my husband will be committed to You, Lord, that his commitment to me will not waiver, no matter what storms come.  I pray that our love for each other will grow stronger every day, so that we will never leave a legacy of divorce to our children.

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