Monday, November 11, 2013

A little {love} gift

First of all I wanted to thank you for doing this challenge with me.  I have to stay disciplined because it's really easy for me to serve you all and help you with your marriage and forget to keep these challenges for myself.

I love hearing how your husbands are responding or how you are responding.  I had a friend come to me at church yesterday telling her husband questioned here asking her, "what? do you like me?" :) that's so great!

I didn't want to give it away but I realize some need planning.  At the very end of this challenge I am going to ask you to do something special.  I don't to ask you to "re-write your vows" but more like write a new commitment to your husband about what you learned through this challenge and display it.

So a few ideas would be writing a letter and giving them this frame...

Here you would put a picture of the two you and and every week write why you love him.  I have one on his dresser.  

Have a photo session done with the two you and displaying those pictures on a wall in your bedroom with a plaque made the has your new commitment to him, on it. 

What are some other ideas? 

If you want a frame made please contact these two ladies who will make them.. there are many different options.  This is a chalkboard one but I know they can do different styles of paper with embellishments to fit your home or bedroom.  

Dana at

Sarah at

Also I just found this awesome place on facebook that makes rustic signs for a reasonable price!
City on a hill

Happy Monday All!!!!!

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