Friday, November 15, 2013

Marriage Challenge Day 15

Alrighty are we doing? I have to admit this weekends challenges have changed for me. 
Wednesday morning my husband said goodbye to his grandpa.  Yes he was older but at 80 I hope I am still running around with great grandkids.  The family planned things super fast and now we are faced with a day filled with visitations yesterday and a funeral today and then my husband leaves for deer camp tonight. So instead of any challenge...I challenged myself to be a good comfort for him...pray for him, keep him smiling and constantly catching his eye across the room to let him know "I am here and I love you so much".

I am excited he gets to get away for this deer camp.  Here's a little the past 11 years my husband has lost his brother in a horrible 4-wheeling accident, lost both of his grandparents on his dad's side while they were just in the their 70's, lost his aunt and uncle in a horribly motorcycle accident and now his grandpa.  He's had is fair share of deaths so this much needed after a day of visitations and a funeral.

For those of you whose husbands are leaving for the weekend or even just hunting all weekend your challenge is to simply be of encouragement.  It's important that we all get "me" time.  We tend to think we deserve it more than he does but in all honesty we need to change our attitudes.  We need to encourage them to go out...pack them a little snack and a little bible.  Pray that they are refreshed in their alone time or in their time with other men.  Pray that while he sits in the woods alone that he can come to God and just "be still". 

If your husband isn't a hunter the daily challenges will still be posted and I encourage you to continue with them :). 

Today we are going to pray for his trials.  We've talked about this before but our husbands do face struggles, trials, temptations and moments of disrespect in the workplace.  It's not all peaches and cream for them to leave and go there.  For some it might be...but for the majority they are going to face trials.  Even outside of the workplace he will face trials.  Why? If we never suffered anything, what kind of shallow, compassion-less, impatient people would we be?  

"count it all joy, when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience" (James 1:2,3)

Now when our husbands face trials our reaction is very very important.  I'm telling you ladies this one is a challenge for me.  Put yourself in his shoes for a moment.  If you come home from work and you had a bad day.  A day full of disrespect, big decisions or things that just irritated you.  You come home and lay it out/vent to your husband and his reaction encourages his irritation.  Right? no....not right.  This one is hard for me because I am very protective of my husband.  He is a great man and when he gets trampled on at work I get defensive.  What should our attitude be? Prayer...consoling....just lending an ear, a hug and a kiss.  There are some situations where you offer advice if he asks but for the most part...just listen and love on him.  Let him know that he is a great man and you respect him.  And pray, pray PRAY! 

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (phillipians 4:13)
Our suffering will seem like nothing compared to the glory of God's work in us, if we have the right reactions in the midst of the struggle.  Let him know you are praying for him and this particular struggle.  Let him know that if nothing can separate him from the love of God, then no matter how bad it gets, he always has hope.  It's your encouragement and your prayers and the determination of your husband to stand strong in faith and wait for God to answer his prayers that will save him from the heat and keep him afloat.

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