Friday, January 17, 2014

the year of renovations......

So every week Brian and I discuss whether we are going to move or stay here.  Here are the things we love about this place...
1. it's our first place together
2. We brought our first baby home in this house
3. my husband built this house for us with his dad, my dad and a whole bunch of help with the in betweens including help from my step-dad.
4. Although we are in a development we are in the back on just over an acre and it's wooded. 
5.  We really do love our house.  Sure we were young when we built it and it's not what I LOVE as far as the interior decor goes but I love the set up 
6.  There is slight excitement about finishing the basement (which is the same square footage as our main floor)...and finishing it just how we would want it.

So we talk and talk options...what should we do?

Here are the things we don't like about our house:
1.  Although we're wooded...we really don't like such close neighbors
2. With four boys Brian has big dreams for them...he has a big passion for our boys to be taught trades (because kids these days don't think that's important), he wants to spend time on the four wheeler or hiking and hunting right on his own land.
3.  I have a passion for gardening, growing food from the land and harvesting it.  I have a dream to have some apple trees, cherry trees, pear trees and rows of blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, elderberries, mullberries and then gardens of vegetables....but we just don't have the space here.
4. If I could change four things about our house it would be 1. the circle.  OUr floorplan is pretty open so we have this circle where the kids can run from the kitchen, dining room, living room and hallway (never again), 2. storage...we have none, 3. a bigger kitchen with more counter space (I have an obsession with cooking, canning, preparing) and lastly a bigger laundry/mud room.

Never though do I want to be unhappy with what God has blessed us with.  So I am going room by room and giving simple, cheap touch ups to make it what we love (just in case we stay here).  Yes there is talk about extending the dining room out for a little more room and possible extending the kitchen.  There is talk about adding on another stall in the garage and building a little mud area :) but will be a LONG time...again if we decide not to sell. 

So I started in our bathroom last night.  I decided to just paint it because no matter how many pictures I show Brian, he can't envision it, which is funny because we are both visually challenged. 

So here is my inspiration...I am a farmhouse lover...
this is the trim color (kind of).....

giving us a look like this (minus the huge bathroom, clawfoot tub and everything else;)

These are the accent colors we are going for....

and some of the bigger pieces I need to hunt for and repaint....

We obviously just need one vanity but this is the look I am striving for...

I would love to find something like this to store our towels because we have no towel storage...yes we have a linen closet but no pantry :/ so that is being used as a pantry.

So these pictures are horrible because it was late at night, I refuse to use my flash (weird photographer thing in me).....but here is a before of our wall color and the in process picture :)

As much as it looks neon green it really is a light pale green...

trim color and wall color....we shall see? :)



  1. I love the trim color and the look you are going for. I share the same love in all of those colors!! Good luck and I would love to see how it turns out! I also love to paint, (yes I am weird, because I also love to shovel and rake leaves) there is something about doing such jobs that you can see results from, that must be why lol.

  2. I love the trim color and the look you are going for. I share the same love in all of those colors!! Good luck and I would love to see how it turns out! I also love to paint, (yes I am weird, because I also love to shovel and rake leaves) there is something about doing such jobs that you can see results from, that must be why lol.
