Wednesday, January 15, 2014

polished keys......

I had someone tell me last night that they have never seen the keys on a keyboard polished so smoothly because of using them so much.  He laughed and looked amazed.  What this person doesn't know though is this.....

yes I spend hours of my life editing because what I do for a living (aside from being a wife and a mother) requires deadlines...

yes I spend hours at my computer responding to inquiries for maternity pictures, wedding availability, family pictures and answering questions about photography...

yes I spend hours reading blogs that encourage me for the day because sometimes knowing that someone else deals with a messy, crazy life, just gets me through the day...

But sometimes I get cramps because I just had an hour long chat with someone whose husband is leaving her...
Sometimes I sit at the computer with tears, my hands just resting on the keys, wondering "what do I say to this woman who is hurt, broken and starving?"...
I type and type and type some more to encourage that family member who is depressed, to brainstorm with that sister that loves to plan, to make sure the church pre-school room is staffed for this upcoming week, to figure out who needs meals and when they need them by...

Sometimes my eyes hurt late at night as I am sending friends or loved ones little encouraging emails to help them get through the day facing them tomorrow...
Sometimes I sit late at night and plan out the next days work with the help of home school blogs and Pinterest (yes that evil word that every man hates...but my pinterest puts good dinners on the tables and equips me with good crafts and creative learning for our kids)....

I looked at my keys today...they are polished...worn off but I don't see regret in any of fact I don't really regret one minute spent on them....God has so incredibly blessed me which equips me to incredibly bless others...I am blessed so I can bless....

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