Monday, March 31, 2014

So....we have weeks left of school!!! No...we didn't finish everything the curriculum told us too...actually we threw the curriculum out the window (not literally because it's not mine) ... but it wasn't working for us and it's been a lot of hard work researching ideas for my older ones but it's paid off.  About every month I have to "revamp" what we are doing or the style we are doing.  And this month I wanted to share because I put so much work into it!

So we live in a three bedroom ranch.  We are so close to beginning the process of finishing our basement but until them we put all four boys in one room! Call me crazy or call CPS but they love it! They are so much closer and they sleep better!  So with the spare bedroom what did we do???

's not a school room BUT we have decided that we want to make our whole house educational so we added some stuff in there!!!  I love it! Everything is used and bought from used stores or antique stores and the few new things (like the baskets) were from the dollar store.  I still have to paint the closet door and the trim but it is mainly done! 

Okay so what did we implement? I want to fill their lives with scripture and encouragement! So we did a calendar that I organized with project life inserts!

Verses talking about creating in us a pure heart for when we don't want to work or when we get grumpy and disobedient.  Or verses that tell us where to turn when our hearts get overwhelmed! I love it...on this is a schedule! Each insert has a time and what we will do for that time..including breaks.  One insert tells us what we do each day so for example...
Monday - Sue Scotts house, Math, Reading and Science
Tuesday - Bible Study, Bible, reading and history

This is good for my older boys so they know what to expect!!!!

Encouraging reading and being a leader not a boss...

I created a writing basket for william.  Everyday he will write.  He loves lighting candles and he loves challenges so each day he will light his candle, sit in front of the window at the desk and pick a Popsicle stick with a writing prompt on it.  Todays was, "write about why you like the play room".  He has three steps to follow. Think, draw and write.  

We also implemented a color code.  The boys seem to get overwhelmed with any book work I give them.  Well I would too if it's a gigantic book I was supposed to get through.  So each day has a color and the week is spread out for them all with color coding.  So on Mondays they look for the red tag in their books and do that page(s) worked amazing today!!!

Lastly we are learning about why not use it as an incentive right? I bought fake money and they have the chance to earn fake money and buy from the "home store".  They can earn money by doing extra work without being asked, being kind, being obedient, doing chores, no get the idea.  This is the basket I put together...they picked out some of the items and they are priced high ;)

and I'll leave you with this....cute little irresistible face!

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