Monday, March 31, 2014

"The Spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak."

This is the verse that stuck out to me most this morning.  Easter is slowly approaching and yes I say slowly because I am intentionally living slower so I don't miss an opportunity.  

Matthew 21:36-46 is my devotional this morning.
Jesus just predict the disciples future, "You will all fall away because of me this night.  For it is written, 'I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.'"  I can just imagine Peter talking to Jesus saying, "Though they all fall away because of you, I will never fall away".  I always think, "who is Peter...Jesus, God in the flesh, just told Peter what Peter was about to do and Peter says that he won't?". I am surprised that Peter falls asleep in the garden of Gethsemane, because if Jesus said to me what he said to Peter...I would be a little fearful.
"Truly, I tell you, this very night, before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times."
But still, he falls asleep.  The God of the universe, here in the flesh grows sorrowful and troubled.  Did they not see it? 

Again, Jesus sets the perfect example for us.  He is staring persecution and crucifixion and death right in the eye and he is still obedient to his Father.  I read a blog about a blind woman this morning.  She became blind in her teenage years.  She could have easily chosen to be bitter and angry but she has chosen instead to be obedient and dependent. 

"If we quit, get bitter or arrogant, we miss out on the higher gifts - like dependence on Him, deeper intimacy, meekness and empathy."

Perfectly said in my opinion.  Jesus says three times, "My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; NEVERTHELESS, NOT AS I WILL, BUT AS YOU WILL."   I KNOW in my times of trouble I don't pray like this.  My Aunt Tammy was a perfect example of this.  I know she wasn't a perfect person.  She made many mistakes in her life and sometimes had the gift of being very outspoken...however, when she was diagnosed with cancer and she came to the realization that she was losing the battle...she chose it to be God's will over hers.  She was SHINING in her last days.  She gave all the praise and Glory to God. Yet, here we are...most of us...myself included...sleeping like Peter and the two sons of Zebedee.  
"Jesus meets God in this Garden, the Garden of Gethsemane, to perfectly submit to Your perfect will to pay for all our gaping sins.  His heart fractures and breaks under the anguish of it all, of what He must bear for our sins.  And we, like the disciples, sleep.  We cannot stay awake, awake to God, awake to so great a salvation.  Daily, we sleepwalk."

Father, forgive us.  Our spirit is willing, but our flesh is weak.  You know witness it and yet you still intercede.  You still chose sorrow until death.  
Today my devotional encourages me to "keep watch" for one hour with Jesus.  Can I do it? I will try my might not be one solid consecutive hour but it might be 10 minutes here and there.  I will be praying for my heart to break for what breaks his.  A prayer I try and familiarize myself with.  I will pray for His Body, the Church, divided and shattered and bickering, for our persecuted brothers and sisters laboring faithfully in hard places for the Kingdom.  For young girls contemplating abortion and elders quietly hurting and dying, for missionaries who open their hands and say "yes to God", for the souls of my neighbors, for the future of my family, the vision of our government, salvation for those I know are unsaved and love in our community.  Will you join me? 

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