Tuesday, March 11, 2014

I remember it clearly.  The Sunday the missionaries came to our church to talk about what God is doing in the country they are serving in.  I remember the stirring.  Be a missionary...do great things for the Kingdom of God.  

I remember it clearly.  The Sunday the Pastor got up on stage and talked about how doing great things for the Kingdom of God doesn't have to be in another country but right here in your country, in your state, in your town...in your church.  

No one really ever had to convince me to serve in the church or serve others.  Hospitality is my love.  I love serving people. However most of my love for it comes from the assuring compliments from those I served.  The biggest thing that changed my attitude is serving in the church.  You don't get as much recognition and you definitely don't get as much thanks. 
It's tiring, no, it's exhausting.  I can go weeks before I sit in a sermon with my husband and worship God with him because of the need in the classroom.  I can go weeks of carrying a crying baby and repeating one after another, "don't dip your crackers in your water please", weeks of playing with playdoh and cars and reading book after book after book and putting together a heaping pile of puzzles that were just dumped and walked away from.  The room can be complete chaos and not one bit recognition.  

But here is why it doesn't bother me....
"However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me - the task of testifying to the good news of God's grace."

As a parent I consider it a great honor to contribute raising the next generation...it's also considered a great challenge and a great amount of work.  I feel greatly responsible.  Not all of these kids come from a home where they hear about Jesus everyday.  Not all of these kids come from a home where Jesus is modeled to them everyday.  This is my one hour a week where I get to show the love of Christ to those other than my own ;).  This is my one hour a week where I can further the Kingdom of God.  And let me tell you...they are not too young.  In a society that promotes busy, busy, busy...go, go, go (even in the church) some of these kids miss out on moments like this....sitting with someone who loves them and doing a puzzle.  

This is my favorite age.  Once they have gained our trust they are one of the biggest blessings you'll ever receive.  This is what I picture when God tells us to have childlike faith.  They LOVE JESUS! They love to learn about Him, they love to talk about Him and they will.
I'm not going to lie.  There are Sunday's I go home crying because once again I was unable to be fed through a sermon.  I went home crying one Sunday because a mom looked me in the face when I asked her to help and said the words, "I don't come to church to watch my own kid".  Although most would cry because I was serving once again...I cried because of that mom's view on a church children's ministry. 

Why am I writing this? Because we need you.  The last few Sunday's I have had to put a sign on our door that read, "Our maximum number of kids today is 15 due to lack of help".  We had to turn kids away from learning in their element.  Because we are mean and selfish? No...because it's not safe.  With only two helpers in a classroom that gets up to 25 children, we can't make sure they are all safe, all going to the bathroom etc.  I am writing this to ask for your help and not just in the preschool room but in all the rooms.  I am not the only classroom that needs help.  

Some would picture this age group as difficult.  All they would do in there is settle a crying child, change diapers, clean up spills and pick up toys.  Yes you are doing those things.  But you are also playing cars, building train tracks, teaching a little girl how to old a baby doll, singing songs, getting hugs and big smiles for it all.

"I have fond memories of a few of my Sunday school teachers.  Those who planted seeds of truth in my mind.  My greatest encouragement is knowing that I could be one who helped plant those seeds in a new generation.  The random hugs and excited waves (outside the classroom) from the children that I teach is also a major perk!"

Here are six benefits of serving in church:
1.  You're joining a family.  You'll form friendships, share laughs, support each other and share in prayer.  We weren't meant to do the Christian life alone and serving in the church you'll find the encouragement you need.

2. FUN!  Everyone can find their inner child.  It is actually fun to sit on the carpet and watch the kids flock to you.

3. Growing Faith.  Yes! So true! You will be blessed and yes your faith will be encouraged as you teach the "Littlest of these". 

4. Joy!  You will experience Joy.  As your heart comes to the right place to serve in ministry you will find a great joy, a deep abiding joy that comes from knowing God is using your life to help and serve others.

5. Fruit! You will be apart of the fruit.  Whether you will be that one Sunday school teacher a child remembers or whether it was your love, your patience, your honesty or planting one seed...you are a part of bearing fruit. 

It's true, 85% of people who come to Christ do so before they turn 18. The heart of a child is the most fertile soil in which to plant the Word of God.

You don't have to be a "teacher at heart" to teach these kids.  There are pictures and a story that takes 2 mintues (it's literally four lines long).  You pray with them and give them snacks, listen to them and play with them.  Pray about it.  We need your help.  Consider it? 

 little girl praying her heart out!

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