Thursday, March 27, 2014

Yesterday I started teaching William piano. We started simple with Mary Had A Little Lamb.  I drew the music myself.  Impressive huh? (imagine me pulling on my sports coat and nodding my head...proud).  I really thought this can go two ways. He is either interested or not.  If not, okay we'll move on to something else.  Guitar or trumpet.  I labeled the keys and the music to make it easy and to help him feel accomplished.  He was able to play a song.  

I went to bed last night and after my husband prayed I asked him, "how many times a day do you pray?".  He responded and I sighed, "I don't pray enough.  I know I don't have to come to God in the quiet and in the stillness but I WANT to.  That's when i feel I communicate best".  He said something that, of course I didn't even think about, "Stac, you worship in prayer.  You sing all day long to God and you play the piano and worship".   I had even said it that day.  

After William had played his song a few different times and it was quiet in the house.  I pulled the bench out and started playing.  I closed my eyes and started singing to my God.  William came up beside me and sat next to me.  
"Mom, you don't need to follow notes?" 
"Not, with this song buddy.  Some songs I need to follow notes with but this one is written on my heart."
He looked slightly confused.  I then went on to explain that when God gives you a gift you have to give it back to him.  "So if you play the piano, and you're good at it.  You need to give it back to him.  So that means, you worship Him in song with your piano skills.  Mommy knows this song by heart, so my heart knows it and I can close my eyes and really worship Jesus with it!"

I told him that God designed us to worship Him.  I sometimes, okay often times, think about what my life would be like if I didn't have a purpose of serving God.  It would be meaningless.  I feel I would be jumping from one big thing to the next or trying to find my place in this world over and over again.  I read this quote this morning and loved it!

"Do not try to copy someone else's calling. It is very difficult to dance ballet while wearing boots. If God gave you ballet shoes, dance ballet; if He gave you lumberjack boots, cut down trees....The shoes He made for you will not fit anyone else. Fill them." ~Heidi Baker

I remember talking to my sister as well that there is always going to be someone better out there.  There is always going to be a better piano player, a better singer, a better worship leader....but that doesn't matter.  What matters is your heart.  Your heart of worhsip. She wrote a beautiful blog on it.  

I have a friend who chose her "word" for the year and it is Abide.  I was thinking and thinking on mine and through a few songs I found it. 


Job 8:5 "If you SEEK God earnestly..."
Psalm 9:9-11 "Those who know your name trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who SEEK you."
Matthew 7:7,8 "SEEK and you will find.....the one who SEEKS finds;"
THEN...Luke 19:10 reverses it, "For the Son of Man came to SEEK and save the lost"

SEEK!  The song that is written on my heart says this...

The more I seek you....the more I find you.  
The more I find you...the more I love you.
I want to sit at your feet, drink from the cup in your hand, lay back against you and breathe and feel your heart beat.
This love is so deep, it's more than I can stand, I melt in your's overwhelming.

Deuteronomy 4:29
"But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul."

Earnestly I Seek Thee by Aaron Gillespie is another good can listen to it here.

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