Tuesday, December 24, 2013

....it's almost here....

I think as a mom who just loves Jesus i have a little bit too high of expectations with four boys under 7 in this house...the day before Christmas...

I might want to give up sometimes....not worry so much about impressing Jesus so much during Christmas and just relax about it and then.....Love came down for me...
This is my devotional this morning so I thought I would type it out instead of make a huge facebook status about it....

Ann Voskamp in her book The Greatest Gift talks about how God is born into the hands he made (Joseph and Mary).

"This night, in the deep of the heights, as the book of Revelation tells it - and we have a revelation of all hell breaking loose and racing God to get under our skin, of an all-out cosmic war spinning across space, of the King of forces of good driving a daring raid right into the flank of the beast who is a crimson gash tearing the waiting sky.  The Nativity of this night is a brutality of heaven and earth.  

In the heavenlies, according to the Nativity of Revelation, the child breeches, the beast lunges, and our eyes flash away, too terrified to witness evil devouring holiness and our one last hope.  All of earth holds its desperate, wild breath.  And then, at the last possible moment of all this impossible, the Infant is seized and thrust to the throne.  The Child lives! Rescue is certain! And all of hell makes one last lunge, clashes desperate, the dark horde of eveil wrestling Michael and the heavenly host - and then it's over.  Satan falls like lighting from heaven, falls out of the sky in a heap.  And now over Bethlehem, in the Nativity according to Luke, the star hangs high, victorious on a silent night, a holy night.  
Now all is calm.
God comes...
God comes quiet....
This night a battle has been waged and won for you.  Love had come back for you.  Love had to get to you.  The Love that has been coming for you since the beginning - He slays dragons for you.  This is the truest love story of history, and it's His -Story, and it's for you.  

Rejected at the Inn, holy God comes in small to where you feel rejected and small.  God is wil you now.  Wherever you are - in a soundless cry or hidden brokenness or in your ache - God always wants to be with you.  You are not ever left alone in this.  We are never left alone in this ; God is with us.

....The greatest Gift laid into our empty hands....Grace is weightless. "

Merry Christmas Eve
Try your hardest to slow today..... Christmas shouldn't be about running and hurry and preparing presents or performing...Christmas should be still, quiet, soft, slow like JEsus came...and we should be preparing to make space for Jesus!

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