Wednesday, December 4, 2013

ahhhhh....advent.  That season where I cry....I cry at the wonder of our God.  At the amazing gift we have been given through undeserving of it.  Last night we lit our Jesse Tree Candles.  25 devotions, 25 ornaments and 25 candles (the boys are loving it).

We sat down as a family last night and watched The Nativity Story.  I felt incredibly blessed as William asked question after question wondering what everything meant.  I think I cried most at this part...on Mary and Joseph's way to Bethlehem they met the Shephard and he says, "we have all been given a gift".  When asked what his gift was he replied, "nothing...nothing but the hope of waiting for one". 

YES! That is advent.  The hope of waiting for the Messiah! How one can hear the story of Christ coming down and not fall to their knees in is beyond me.

God Almighty, God whom the Heaven's cannot contain,God whose heart breaks with ours...come down in flesh!  I am overwhelmed this morning at his great love...

"His heart was filled with pain" (Genesis 6:6, NIV)
"God has a heart and it hurts.  It hurts with what hurts us.  His heart hurts not just with a few drops of ache, not just with a slow drip of sadness - the whole expanse of His heart fills, swells, weighs dark with this storm of pain.  And God whispers close to us in a hurting world.  A mother whose heart is bound to her child's? That doesn't compare to how your FAther's heart is bound to you (Isaiah 49:15)

God, who hung the stars - He has taken a thread of His heart and tied it to yours.  And HE DIDN'T NEED TO, but God tied His heart to yours so when you feel pain, He fills with pain."

~Ann Voskamp~

God looked on his creation...the creation he created to give back Glory to Himself and he was disgusted and hurt with their evil.  His heart broke and God who created the heavens and the earth was SORRY he had ever made mankind.  He was to destroy it all...all humans, all living creatures big and small...gone...but, Noah found favor....Genesis 3:6-9

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