Thursday, December 19, 2013

Reflections of this day...

So it's 9am and I already have a ton of thoughts swirling around this female mind of mine...probably not a good thing!

First of all let me just say this is how we started off our day....well after screaming and hitting and cleaning our rooms we finally settled down to pray and enjoy food....

oh and there is cranberry bread with a glazed topping...

This is what I wake up to every is the best advent devotional and I am falling in love even more with this advent season.  

Then my brother gifted me this yesterday....

this alone has my mind swirling....I feel like I can't get through it fast enough and I got it last night....

I am saddened today......saddened at judgment, debates, hateful words, and so much more.  Phil Robertson got suspended and although I dislike it tremendously ... even more? I hate the follow up's, the name calling, the assuming, the judgement and everything coming from it.  People will go to extreme ends, climbing crazy mountains to proclaim that "being gay is disgusting and makes me sick... God hates homosexuality, THEY are sinners..." this is not how we as Christians are suppose to handle these situations.  This is not how we are suppose to react.  Why was Jesus' ministry so successful? He was love! Because they legalize homosexual marriage does not change my definition of marriage.  It does not change what the bible says.  In my opinion, all sin is dealt with in one way...that person seeing Jesus Christ, laying their sin at the cross and being repentant.   So in my opinion, in this matter, we pray.  We pray that God shed His mercy on our nation.  We pray for those lost and we seek them out to be the hands and feet of JEsus.  Because the more sin in this world the more work we get to do...seeking the lost and pointing to Jesus.  If asked what I believe I will stay true to the bible.  I will quote it and back it up fully and I will not tolerate or accept sin.  Not just homosexual sin, but that of a liar, that of pre-marital sex, that of adultery, that of stealing, that of beating a child and so on...but I will hug you and I will try my absolute hardest to be like Christ and show you his love. Why? Because this is what Jesus did for me.  So I was gifted with forgiveness and love so that I can gift forgiveness and love. We get so offended so easily and then we assume that person must be a liberal or an extremist or a strict conservative.    Phil Robertson was asked what he believed and he stated it.... it should be that...that's it! 
Instead we should climb those incredible mountains to proclaim and scream to the world to help those who are hungry, those who haven't heard the good new of Jesus Christ.  We should stop giving our energy in pointless debates that consist of belittling, tearing down others and instead use it to be the voice for the child sold into sex slavery right now, for the mother being abused constantly because her husband gets pleasure out of it, what about the children being abused, what about the homeless. Be love to the grandma with no family around, be love to the woman whose husband has left her dry.  What about the teenager on the verge of depression and suicide?  We have such strong opinions on everything but really? there is much more going on in the world today.  Much bigger things that we need to stand up for.  

I wish my words had power and if they did I would scream at the top of lungs STOP IT! Stop hating each other...stop tearing each other down....stop trying to tell others what God is thinking ...just stop.  We worry so much about the things in this world that are political and we lose sight of our relationship with Christ.  We thrive on debates and proving a point when really we need to thrive on teaching our children about Christ.  We need to thrive on spreading the gospel and reaching the unreachable.  

Just a little bit of my heart today. 

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