Thursday, December 12, 2013

Advent Week 2 :: Day 12

These months, these winters months are statistically proven to be the most depressing months.  When I heard this in the beginning of November I laughed.  I thought to myself, "How is that possible?".  I love these months. I wait for them...anticipate them! 

I've said it before that I find snow miraculous but more importantly I find the Advent season ... well, there are no words to describe it.  A discovery of the greatest love, an unwrapping of the greatest gift, a witnessing of the greatest miracle...

But I think back to those statistics and I think deeply why these months would be the hardest...most depressing.  I think of family right now, who is scared for Christmas because they can't afford dental work.  I think of another family who God has brought into our lives, whose husband has left her dry with no money and three kids.  Christmas is a scary time for her. I think of the few people I know that have no one to spend Christmas with.  I think of other families who are facing death...or sickness.  I think of friends who don't know the miracle of the season of Advent.  They don't know that person called Jesus Christ. 

Jesus....the name that sounds like a breath...Yahweh ... Ya...weh.  Jesus, "the Love later went to the Cross to fulfill the unfulfilled, to pay the price for our broken love like we never could, to love God for His unbroken love like we never have.  Jesus, the Love who hangs on a Tree, who cries out our yes to the covenant.  Yes, You are mine.  I am Yours. Jesus, the Love who doesn't just die the death we deserved to die; He lives the love we've desired to live".  

In a place of faithlessness and doubtfulness and godlessness, God gives God.  The God who can reveal Himself wherever, whenever, to whomever; the God who is never limited by lack or restricted by the expected; the God who is no respecter of  persons but the relentless rescuer of prodigals; the God who gives the gift of faith in the places you'd most doubt.  That is always the secret to the abundant life: to believe that God is where you doubt He can be. 

Nobody and no situation - no sin, no mess, no decision - meets the diagnosis of despair.  Because there's God's cure of amazing grace.
No personal choice that muddied your life can ever trump the divine choice to wash your life clean. 
No situation is more hopeless than your Savior is graceful. 

There are moments this Christmas when you feel like no one really sees you.  No one sees how alone you feel.  How overwhelmed by the work and unappreciated by the people.  No one sees that you just want someone to cup your face and look into your eyes and say your name from somewhere deep inside, like a calling home, like a belonging - like a holding that has you around all the fragile places and won't leave you...Jesus...Yahweh...let him..."Love is the greatest thing God can give us, for himself is love" ... "And love is the greatest thing we can give to God, for it will also give ourselves..." 

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