Tuesday, December 10, 2013

It'a another good day....

I'm that person that love snow.  Yes...the "S" word in Michigan apparently.  I wait all year long for it.  Yes I am happy when spring comes and when summer comes and I absolutely LOVE fall...but I LOVE snow.  It's magical.  If you don't believe me check out this and see if your view of snowflakes change!  I could stare at it all day.  It makes me want to fall to my knees in front of my slider and just stare at it.  So Sunday when we had 40% chance of snow and I woke up to the ground covered...and when I spent all day on Monday watching snow fall...I thought it couldn't get better...until I woke up today and spent the whole day watching snow fall....I.just.love.it!

So I got a little visit from my sister today! I just love spending time with her.  There was a time in life when we hated each other...you know when we were living with our parents under the same roof and she ruined my life and I ruined hers? :)...now we love each other!
So she came over to help me with these....

These are homemade memory games I am making for each of my boys.  Matts is the one with trucks and Bens is the shapes.  Will and Zak are getting sports ones...how fun huh?

Then she decided to make these...

Homemade marshmallows! not the super healthy recipe :/ but we'll figure that one out soon!

So as I'm watching the snow...I decided I'll post the other goodies we made this week....
These are glazed oatmeal cookies....they are sooooooo yummy!

you can find the recipe here

and then we made these....

yes...these are to die for.... Cranberry Bliss cookies... and that recipe is right here

oh! I'm not done.....

We decided to have these for breakfast... apple pumpkin muffins

That is it for the baking in this house...there is so much sugar floating around this house I feel like I need to chew on some carrots :)

then while the kids were down resting I decided to add sweater sleeves to all of my candles and I love it! So I decided to share as well some of the simple CHEAP decorating I do for Christmas!

yup...simple added sweater sleeves to candles...added so much to the decor' I felt!

Applesauce cinnamon ornaments turned into garland...with wooden stars from Michaels with paper

burlap bow with sticks, berries and pine with some applesauce cinnamon ornaments

wooden signs with painted words...

and advent tree with free printable ornaments...custom made advent wreath with pregnant mary on a donkey

making room for Jesus...every time the kids do something nice they get to stick hay in the manger...(I still need to paint it)

sweater stockings :) 

wooden letters from michaels with paper mod podged on...

brown tags from Michaels made into ornaments with 25 days of Christmas on the back

chalkboards, sweaters, homemade ornaments, pine cones and paper...easiest decor' 

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