Friday, December 5, 2014

Here we 4 into the Advent season and I love it.  Why don't I focus my attention on Christ like this the rest of the year? Because just a month ago my heart was discontent...unhappy with this house, the craziness of life, the kids, my  But forcing myself to keep up on the kids' devotional and the advent wreath...I have thrown myself back into the arms of Jesus and how sick I am that I forget that is the only place I need to be...can be. 

I'm reading about Zechariah and Elizabeth...because they are a part of the Christmas story.  So much silence from God and then Gabriel...the angel...the "sentinel of God", "the messenger who inhabits God's presence" appears and is with Zechariah in the Holy Place.  Gabriel which means "strength of God" is with Zechariah which means "God remembers".  Zechariah questions the angel of the Lord.  God silences him.  God has the power to silence him...take away his speech...does He not also have the power to give him a baby? 

Sometimes God has to catch us off guard and in big ways.  But this wasn't a form of punishment...but a form of His almighty power.  

What I have grown to love about this story is Elizabeth's joy and Elizabeth's heart.  I'm sure she had her days of doubt but she is in love with her God. Elizabeth made room in her heart, body and soul for a miracle.  And God had the situation well in hand.  I love how Liz Curtis Higgs puts it, "Through all her years of feeling less-than, Elizabeth had worshiped a more than-God.  Now she intended to give him the glory for it.  What's the opposite of disgrace? Ah. Grace.  God filled her with his favor, his mercy, his loving-kindness."

In my own heart, do I always make room for him? Do I push aside my busyness, my fears, my worries, my wants to make room for him here? with me? in me?

Every Christmas season I get weary.  I can't explain it.  In the "waiting" I get weary.  But every Christmas Day I rejoice with gladness.  Maybe it's because I am waiting.  Maybe because I am living the actual Advent season here.  Waiting for the coming rescue this weary, worn, broken world.  God was truly silent.  The world was truly broken and wearily anticipating the promised Savior.  Then he came...

"in searching for a King but finding a thrones...still they bowed down"

He comes when you least expect it and in ways unexpected.  

I'm sure there were many people in the time of Elizabeth and Zechariah that had given up hope.  That had maybe thought God wasn't there...the promised Savior wasn't coming. 

I was watching Grumpy Old and there was scene with the old old OLD man and his still old son sitting on a bench talking about his age and the old old OLD man says, "I'm beginning to think God forgot about me"...referencing his age and still being alive.  

"God always sees - and He will always see to it.  Your legs may be weary and your heart heavy and your questions many, but whatever your are facing, it is always named Mount Moriah: the Lord will appear.  The Lord sees.  And He will see to it.  And He will be seen.  Every mountain that every Christian ever faces, the Lord levels with sufficient grace: The Lord Will Provide."

I can clear my schedule for a month but I can't clear for the rest of my life.  I can clear that schedule and make room for Him in my home and in my heart for a month no problem...but it's in the everyday mess that I struggle with.  

...and this is where I fail.  I think the gospel is old news sometimes.  I've accepted it and believe it but then I go right back to the to do list's to make God proud.  But then I fail and the guilt takes over.  I forget the goodness of the gospel is for me...every single day.

"The flesh is performance driven (especially in this season) and I need to become Cross-centered again."

I don't need the Gospel just once - no one needs the Gospel only once - because all the bad days need the Good News of His grace again and again.  

"The gospel isn't a one time message for the unbeliever but the constant miracle for the imperfect and this changes everything...evangelize yourself today."

Help me Lord to be filled with joy and adoration like Elizabeth.  Help me be awed by your power and love like Zechariah.  Help me to not be overwhelmed by the season but overwhelmed by your goodness God.  I want to overflow with goodness to others. Help me see that the greatest gift you grace my soul with is YOUR PRESENCE. 

As you can see my decorations are very simple.  I think you can make your home look gorgeous for Christmas with the nature God gave us.  I made cinnamon  ornaments and use them to decorate lots and make garland out of. This garland is made out of wooden stars from Michaels and twine with cinnamon ornaments.  The tree is from our backyard and the bucket and stool were from garage sales.  I used any white vases I could find from my kitchen from a pitcher to a gravy pitcher to a creamer dish and filled them with evergreens.  I used old chalkboards and searched pinterest for ideas to write on them.  Wrapped wine bottles in twine and stuck everygreens in them.  I got $5 wreaths from Wal Mart and hung them in my windows. Got cheap berries from Michaels and everygreens and pinecones and filled every wooden basket I had and put a candle from the dollar store in them.  My house smells like evergreen and looks pretty (I think).

Oh! and we made this take this recipe and make it today.  Just be prepared to have a stomach ache and become incredibly addicted! 

Here is the original recipe with my few substitutions:

3 cups rice chex cereal
3 cups corn chex cereal
3 cups golden grahams
(I used 4.5 cupes of rice chex and 4.5 cups of multi grain cheerios because I didn't have the other cereals)
1 1/2 cups mixed nuts (I used slivered almonds)
2 cups sweetened shredded coconut
1 cup sugar
1 cup corn syrup
3/4 cup unsalted butter

Mix cereal and nuts in a large bowl.  Combine sugar, corn syrup and butter in a sauce pan and bring to a boil.  Boil for two minutes and pour mixture over cereal.  Stir to coat cereal mixture and allow to cool on wax/parchment paper.  Store in air tight container.  Congrats you are now officially addicted to Christmas Crack!

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