Thursday, December 11, 2014

I wanted to share my passion with you...If you don't know me yet...I LOVE photography.  I love how three different photographers can take one subject and do completely different things with it.  We all have a unique eye and vision...

What I love most about it though is that I have the "know how" to take decent pictures of my kids.  Whether you have a desire to take professional pictures and make a business or not I place a high priority on taking pictures of my kids and I think you should too. There is something special about really knowing how to work your camera so that when that special laugh comes about because your son just got in a tickling war, you're ready for it.  Or when bath splashing makes you laugh so hard you want to remember how it made you feel.  Or when you're sitting outside with a book and your kids just start running and laughing or riding their bike or wanting to splash at the lake or climb the sand dune...whatever the occasion nothing spoils it more than a blurry, under or over exposed picture. 

You don't have to have the most expensive camera or the best lens to get great pictures of your kids.  Honestly, I've seen iphones do some incredible work. 

I purposely put together a simple set up to share with you so you can see it doesn't have to be spectacular and you don't have to have a lot of money.  

So as you can see..this is in my bedroom.  I 100% suggest a neutral light colored wall.  If it were white I'd love it that much more.  I kept our bedding simple.  Believe it or not I buy our bedding based on doing pictures on our bed.  Our kids love to jump on the bed and we allow them to...I have fun doing it...I can't imagine what kind of super hero they think they are when they are jumping on the bed! Flannel sheets are from Target...ok actually all of the bedding is ;).  Except for the throw at the end of the bed...that came from an antique store in Newaygo.  I painted a white picture frame and used a tac to hang a wreath from it.  I cut a little tree down from our back yard and planted it (in a mason jar) in a tin container.  I strung twine and hung $1 snowflakes from it and a $1 sign that says "Merry".  Wa-la! If you can't tell the window is behind me (see the light on the pillows?).  

I spent NOTHING on this little mini shoot with my boys.  I was going to do an all jeans and shirtless shoot but it's sad to say I just didn't feel "ok" about that with my little boys being shirtless on the internet.  So I went to the basement and scrounged.  I wanted to keep it simple so they are all in grey tones! Nothing fancy...just plain Jane shirts they already had! 

I made sure they were facing the window and they were watching the movie at the time.  I watched all day for the best light to come in and tested many times.  There are no extra lights on...just the curtains pulled back.  Finally it was time! I told them if they smiled good and listened well they could return to their movie faster. This took a total of 5 minutes! If only set up took that long ;).

My ISO was at 250 and white balance was on auto.  I was shooting with the 50mm 1.4 with my aperture at 1.8.  Enjoy! Merry Christmas From the Berenbrock's

Don't be afraid to jump on the bed too ;) 

And don't be afraid of tickle wars!

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