Monday, December 8, 2014's snowing....

Looking out my window and there it is...softly, gently, quietly coming down.

I let go all of my lists (for a second), let go all of my performances and let go all of my fears and worries because 

Because you don't believe God will get it right.

"In the thin air of Advent, you may not even know how to say it out loud: 'I thought it would be easier.' And your God comes near: I will provide the way.  You may not even know who to tell: 'I thought it would be different.' And your God draws close: I will provide grace for the gaps.  You may not even know how to find words for it: 'I though I would be...more." And your God reaches out: I will provide Me."

"God gives God.  That is the gift God always ultimately gives.  Because nothing is greater and we have no greater need, God gives God.  God gives God, and we only need to SLOW LONG ENOUGH to unwrap the greatest Gift with our time: time in His Word, time in His presence, time at His feet."


Let go...........


The answer to anxiety is adoration in Christ...

"Jesus doesn't merely come down to show you the way up - Jesus comes down to make Himself into the Way to carry you up.  Jesus doesn't show you the steps to get to heaven - Jesus is the steps to heaven.  He comes to us not in spite of our failings - but precisely because of them.  Ours is the God who is drawn to those who feel down.  Ours is the God who is attracted to those who feel abandoned.  Ours is the God who is bound to those who feel broken."

"God doesn't want to number your failures or count your accomplishments as much as He wants you to have an encounter with Him....God looks at you at your lowest and loves you all the way up to the sky."

My five minutes of window gazing is good for the soul...

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