Tuesday, December 16, 2014

I broke my New Years Resolution.
I was soooooooooooo close!

My NYR was to not get into any debatable conversations on facebook for the very reason that people on both sides of every topic forget that there is a real person, with a real heart and real feelings behind the screen. And then for the reason of it making me feel anxious.  Like keep me up worrying anxious. 

Last night I got off that wretched facebook and read this...

My devotional was referencing 1 Kings 18:18-24, you know that incredible story where Eliah challenges the people of Israel to throw away their idols and believe in the one true God.  The problem was the god Baal had 450 prophets at the time and our amazing true God only had one...Elijah.  But that is God.  When the odds seem against him is when He shines the most it seems. 

They stand on Mount Carmel...Elijah, 450 prophets of Baal and the people of Israel.  The strap two bulls onto the altar and each call out to their God to set the offering on fire.  Can you guess which God delivered? The people of Israel were wavering between two gods.

"The Hebrew word for wavering means sinking.  It's our wavering between gods that has us sinking.  It's the wavering between the gods of things and the God of everything - that's what has us flailing and drowning soundless in it all"

Don't be fooled.  Just because we here in America may not worship the actual god of Baal...we have our own Baals. "The Baal of success and the Baal of Pinterest, the Baal of perfection and the Baal of affirmation. The Baal of being right and the Baal of earning favor.  It's always Baal's that keep us from God, the Baals of work and agenda and accomplishment that keep us from prayer.  We don't pray enough when we are practicing idol worship."

"you know you have an idol whenever you have to perform"....ouch! Because even in the midst of Advent with our great intentions of teaching our kids we seek to perform and most of the time...we try to perform too much.  Advent Bucket lists, advent devotionals and you can't decide between the two so you do them both, Advent activities and random acts of kindness, toys for tots and making things for every person you know!

"Your hands need not bring anything of your own making.  What God wants for Christmas is simply your bended knee."

Slow....wait....rest in Jesus. Because we are not just celebrating a baby.  As my pastor put it last Sunday we are celebrating the King of Kings, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace! God who "let his blood run so you can stop running".

Tim Keller puts it like this, "The only way to overcome idols in your life is to see that Jesus gives freely what every other god says that you can only get through your performance.  Jesus gives you through His blood what every other god demands through yours."

so kneel...behold only Him...prepare room in your heart for Him and adore Him.

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