Friday, November 28, 2014

What we can't afford....

That's a wrap.  
The Pioneer Woman came through once again and the Tukey...well it made my husband fall back in his chair, roll his eyes back in his head and look at me and quietly said (because his mom was in the next room), "This is the best turkey I've ever eaten." That smile...that's what I was striving for.  Potatoes and turkey gravy with green bean casserole and pies, pies and more pies.  Pumpkin with crust cut outs, pumpkin without, pecan pie and the best apple pie we've (yes it's a team effort when it comes to pies) ever made together.  

The table was set and we were there...starting a new tradition of just being us on Thanksgiving.  Because one day it will grow.  These four boys will be bringing home girls someday and we hope marry girls someday and bring grandchildren home.  So this was small and quiet but I know it won't be but a blink of my eyes and this table will be too small...

and just like that...after the turkey brined for a whole day and baked for half of another day...we wrap up Thanksgiving and move my favorite time of the year.  I have three favorites.  Thanksgiving (hence the reason I don't rush past it to put my Christmas decor' up), Christmas and Easter.  Because in this house...they are not about the Turkey and sweet potato casserole, family parties or the ham.  It's not about the games played and the games watched or the rushing to buy the perfect gift and wrapping and this house it is about one thing...ONE person...Jesus. 

So as I begin putting away my fall decor' and unpacking the Christmas decor' still lost in the garage from the move I begin to think...

There are a million different ways to have a great Christmas.  But there is only one way to ruin a Christmas.

Every year people leave their families on Thanksgiving and go rush through a crowd to buy, buy and buy some more.  Get the deals and the steals and who cares if you don't need it or if it's not even for's a good deal.  I know this...this used to be me.  Spending waaaaaay too much on this friday after we give thanks (that's now turned into Thanksgiving Day) and realizing half of the money spent wasn't even on Christmas gifts....just good deals. But who cares if you can AFFORD it right? In America, I always thought it was easy to look "well off".  Just put it on credit cards and take out loans and you are living the American Dream right?  

Whether you can afford to shop all December long or are some things you cannot afford this Christmas...

Not only we, as a nation, but we as children of God cannot afford to make Christmas about anything else than the One He sent.  Jesus.  I'm not talking about a cake on Christmas Day or a small devotional.  Advent is about preparing and waiting.  Waiting for the coming Christ...the REAL WONDER of Christmas.  Two days until Advent and it's not too late to start.  It's not too late to start half way through December.  But a Christmas without just a Holiday. It's the time to clear your calendar and slow your pace and wait...anticipate...and shouldn't we do this all year long...

"No ear may hear his coming, but in this world of sin, where meek souls will receive Him...the dear Christ enters in."

It's where you start from the beginning because that is where Jesus is.  The entirety of the Word of God is about redemption...Jesus coming...God's love for his children. It's where you read about the connections from the Old Testament to this Jesus...God in the flesh.  The God who holds the UNIVERSE, not just our small world, in the palm of his hands...he came down in flesh...not as a mighty king or a valiant warrior...he came small and dependent and through a virgin.  Christmas doesn't lose it's wonder when you don't have piles of presents or an elf on your shelf or a Santa in your chimney...the wonder is in Christ.  

And because of this incredible wonder there is one other thing you cannot afford this Christmas...

You cannot afford to not be thankful.

Because when you think of can you not fall to your knees and give thanks...

"How many kings stepped down from their thrones.  How many lords have abandoned their homes.  How many greats have become the least of these.  How many god's have poured out their hearts to romance a world that is torn all many fathers gave up their sons for me...only ONE did that for me!"

You can afford to make it a great holiday...but if you don't PREPARE ROOM FOR HIM then it's not the best Christmas...

"Let every heart...prepare him room.  For nothing else compares with you.  Restore the JOY of our salvation Lord.  Prepare our hearts for more of you."

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