Monday, March 31, 2014

So....we have weeks left of school!!! No...we didn't finish everything the curriculum told us too...actually we threw the curriculum out the window (not literally because it's not mine) ... but it wasn't working for us and it's been a lot of hard work researching ideas for my older ones but it's paid off.  About every month I have to "revamp" what we are doing or the style we are doing.  And this month I wanted to share because I put so much work into it!

So we live in a three bedroom ranch.  We are so close to beginning the process of finishing our basement but until them we put all four boys in one room! Call me crazy or call CPS but they love it! They are so much closer and they sleep better!  So with the spare bedroom what did we do???

's not a school room BUT we have decided that we want to make our whole house educational so we added some stuff in there!!!  I love it! Everything is used and bought from used stores or antique stores and the few new things (like the baskets) were from the dollar store.  I still have to paint the closet door and the trim but it is mainly done! 

Okay so what did we implement? I want to fill their lives with scripture and encouragement! So we did a calendar that I organized with project life inserts!

Verses talking about creating in us a pure heart for when we don't want to work or when we get grumpy and disobedient.  Or verses that tell us where to turn when our hearts get overwhelmed! I love it...on this is a schedule! Each insert has a time and what we will do for that time..including breaks.  One insert tells us what we do each day so for example...
Monday - Sue Scotts house, Math, Reading and Science
Tuesday - Bible Study, Bible, reading and history

This is good for my older boys so they know what to expect!!!!

Encouraging reading and being a leader not a boss...

I created a writing basket for william.  Everyday he will write.  He loves lighting candles and he loves challenges so each day he will light his candle, sit in front of the window at the desk and pick a Popsicle stick with a writing prompt on it.  Todays was, "write about why you like the play room".  He has three steps to follow. Think, draw and write.  

We also implemented a color code.  The boys seem to get overwhelmed with any book work I give them.  Well I would too if it's a gigantic book I was supposed to get through.  So each day has a color and the week is spread out for them all with color coding.  So on Mondays they look for the red tag in their books and do that page(s) worked amazing today!!!

Lastly we are learning about why not use it as an incentive right? I bought fake money and they have the chance to earn fake money and buy from the "home store".  They can earn money by doing extra work without being asked, being kind, being obedient, doing chores, no get the idea.  This is the basket I put together...they picked out some of the items and they are priced high ;)

and I'll leave you with this....cute little irresistible face!

"The Spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak."

This is the verse that stuck out to me most this morning.  Easter is slowly approaching and yes I say slowly because I am intentionally living slower so I don't miss an opportunity.  

Matthew 21:36-46 is my devotional this morning.
Jesus just predict the disciples future, "You will all fall away because of me this night.  For it is written, 'I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.'"  I can just imagine Peter talking to Jesus saying, "Though they all fall away because of you, I will never fall away".  I always think, "who is Peter...Jesus, God in the flesh, just told Peter what Peter was about to do and Peter says that he won't?". I am surprised that Peter falls asleep in the garden of Gethsemane, because if Jesus said to me what he said to Peter...I would be a little fearful.
"Truly, I tell you, this very night, before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times."
But still, he falls asleep.  The God of the universe, here in the flesh grows sorrowful and troubled.  Did they not see it? 

Again, Jesus sets the perfect example for us.  He is staring persecution and crucifixion and death right in the eye and he is still obedient to his Father.  I read a blog about a blind woman this morning.  She became blind in her teenage years.  She could have easily chosen to be bitter and angry but she has chosen instead to be obedient and dependent. 

"If we quit, get bitter or arrogant, we miss out on the higher gifts - like dependence on Him, deeper intimacy, meekness and empathy."

Perfectly said in my opinion.  Jesus says three times, "My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; NEVERTHELESS, NOT AS I WILL, BUT AS YOU WILL."   I KNOW in my times of trouble I don't pray like this.  My Aunt Tammy was a perfect example of this.  I know she wasn't a perfect person.  She made many mistakes in her life and sometimes had the gift of being very outspoken...however, when she was diagnosed with cancer and she came to the realization that she was losing the battle...she chose it to be God's will over hers.  She was SHINING in her last days.  She gave all the praise and Glory to God. Yet, here we are...most of us...myself included...sleeping like Peter and the two sons of Zebedee.  
"Jesus meets God in this Garden, the Garden of Gethsemane, to perfectly submit to Your perfect will to pay for all our gaping sins.  His heart fractures and breaks under the anguish of it all, of what He must bear for our sins.  And we, like the disciples, sleep.  We cannot stay awake, awake to God, awake to so great a salvation.  Daily, we sleepwalk."

Father, forgive us.  Our spirit is willing, but our flesh is weak.  You know witness it and yet you still intercede.  You still chose sorrow until death.  
Today my devotional encourages me to "keep watch" for one hour with Jesus.  Can I do it? I will try my might not be one solid consecutive hour but it might be 10 minutes here and there.  I will be praying for my heart to break for what breaks his.  A prayer I try and familiarize myself with.  I will pray for His Body, the Church, divided and shattered and bickering, for our persecuted brothers and sisters laboring faithfully in hard places for the Kingdom.  For young girls contemplating abortion and elders quietly hurting and dying, for missionaries who open their hands and say "yes to God", for the souls of my neighbors, for the future of my family, the vision of our government, salvation for those I know are unsaved and love in our community.  Will you join me? 

Saturday, March 29, 2014

"For Christ did not send me to baptize but to preach the gospel, and not with words of eloquent wisdom, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power."
~1 Corinthians 1:17~

Sometimes I get confused.  Sometimes I read debates or sometimes even people will talk "theology" with me and use words I have no idea the meaning of. So when these big words are used I immediately get the thoughts of, "I am stupid.  I am an dumb Christian who knows nothing.  I should study more theological books so I can understand these debates".  Yes! I beat myself up.  

I read the cross-reference of the verse above and this is where the first one took me. 

"And I, when I came to you, brothers, did not come proclaiming to you the testimony of God with lofty speech or wisdom.  For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.  And I was with you in weakness and in fear and much trembling, and my speech and my message were not in plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God."
~1 Corinthians 2:1-5~

Now! I am no theologian and I may be using this completely out of context and if so, you stop me! I would never want to use God's word incorrectly.  But to me this spoke volumes.  Because I could choose to get caught up in the theological debates.  I could choose to use bigger words and maybe I should...but this also confirms my "ill thoughts" of myself.  It's OKAY to just know Jesus and him being crucified and risen!  God made His glory plain for all to see and He made his message simple for even a child to understand.  Praise God! I'm not stupid or a poor example of a Christian woman! 

We are preparing for Easter Sunday as a family.  Soaking in the gospel and the life of Jesus.  Lamenting over his death and rejoicing in His resurrection! Today we are focusing on the Last Supper...the "eucharist".  I am always sitting jaw dropped at this verse during the last supper. 
"And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them..."

This is Jesus Christ...God in the flesh.  He knows the beginning and the end.  He KNOWS what is going to happen to him and what does he do? He gives thanks.  He gives thanks!  What an example he has given us.  He's sitting at the table with his betrayer and he breaks the bread, representing his body and pours the drink representing his blood and he doesn't cry out to God...he doesn't relish in accusing Judas and he doesn't get bitter....he gives thanks. 
Ann Voskamp puts it perfectly,
"The Last Supper was the world's most costly feast: You, God incarnate, gave Your flesh as our food, Your blood as our drink."

We have betrayed our Heavenly Father and we daily sin against him...but He still invites us to the table.  He still lets us sit with him...even though we are drenched in sin, anger, lust, lies, thanklessness, greed....we can take the bread and take that cup.  If God can give thanks before the world turns against him and crucifies can we not give thanks in all things? WE complain about so much....feel we deserve so much more and fail daily to give thanks for everything we have, which often times is too much.  

This is not a hard concept to understand.  This doesn't need to be a theological debate.  This doesn't need translation.  It's simple...Christ broke for us and gave thanks! 
me? humbled. 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Yesterday I started teaching William piano. We started simple with Mary Had A Little Lamb.  I drew the music myself.  Impressive huh? (imagine me pulling on my sports coat and nodding my head...proud).  I really thought this can go two ways. He is either interested or not.  If not, okay we'll move on to something else.  Guitar or trumpet.  I labeled the keys and the music to make it easy and to help him feel accomplished.  He was able to play a song.  

I went to bed last night and after my husband prayed I asked him, "how many times a day do you pray?".  He responded and I sighed, "I don't pray enough.  I know I don't have to come to God in the quiet and in the stillness but I WANT to.  That's when i feel I communicate best".  He said something that, of course I didn't even think about, "Stac, you worship in prayer.  You sing all day long to God and you play the piano and worship".   I had even said it that day.  

After William had played his song a few different times and it was quiet in the house.  I pulled the bench out and started playing.  I closed my eyes and started singing to my God.  William came up beside me and sat next to me.  
"Mom, you don't need to follow notes?" 
"Not, with this song buddy.  Some songs I need to follow notes with but this one is written on my heart."
He looked slightly confused.  I then went on to explain that when God gives you a gift you have to give it back to him.  "So if you play the piano, and you're good at it.  You need to give it back to him.  So that means, you worship Him in song with your piano skills.  Mommy knows this song by heart, so my heart knows it and I can close my eyes and really worship Jesus with it!"

I told him that God designed us to worship Him.  I sometimes, okay often times, think about what my life would be like if I didn't have a purpose of serving God.  It would be meaningless.  I feel I would be jumping from one big thing to the next or trying to find my place in this world over and over again.  I read this quote this morning and loved it!

"Do not try to copy someone else's calling. It is very difficult to dance ballet while wearing boots. If God gave you ballet shoes, dance ballet; if He gave you lumberjack boots, cut down trees....The shoes He made for you will not fit anyone else. Fill them." ~Heidi Baker

I remember talking to my sister as well that there is always going to be someone better out there.  There is always going to be a better piano player, a better singer, a better worship leader....but that doesn't matter.  What matters is your heart.  Your heart of worhsip. She wrote a beautiful blog on it.  

I have a friend who chose her "word" for the year and it is Abide.  I was thinking and thinking on mine and through a few songs I found it. 


Job 8:5 "If you SEEK God earnestly..."
Psalm 9:9-11 "Those who know your name trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who SEEK you."
Matthew 7:7,8 "SEEK and you will find.....the one who SEEKS finds;"
THEN...Luke 19:10 reverses it, "For the Son of Man came to SEEK and save the lost"

SEEK!  The song that is written on my heart says this...

The more I seek you....the more I find you.  
The more I find you...the more I love you.
I want to sit at your feet, drink from the cup in your hand, lay back against you and breathe and feel your heart beat.
This love is so deep, it's more than I can stand, I melt in your's overwhelming.

Deuteronomy 4:29
"But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul."

Earnestly I Seek Thee by Aaron Gillespie is another good can listen to it here.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

I made these two lists last night.  Late last night as I soaked my hip (because I'm 30) in a hot bath after a long run.  Here is that list....

sexual immorality
Debauchery   Idolatry     witchcraft   hatred
discord     jealousy       fits of rage
selfish ambition  dissension 
factions     envy      drunkenness    jealousy

And I had certain ones circled....

And then there is this terrifying passage that goes along with it....
"So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature.  For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature.  They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want.  But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under law.  The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies and the like.  I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God."
Galations 5:19-21

Talk about a passage that will just put your gut to your feet and bring you low to your knees and lay prostrate in awe that this God whose art canvas is the size of the Universe...loves me.

Then there's that other list....

 That list where...well nothing is circled.  And another terrifying passage afterwards, 
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control."
Galations 5:22

This is what will inherit the kingdom of God.  A person who lives like this.  I spent more time on this list writing it down.  Looking at every word and observing them closely.  I compare the two lists. 
Idolatry is boxed.  I don't have a physical statue that I worship.  But i worship things in the small, maybe the unnoticed.  Things like caring what people think about me.  Things like mending relationships that honestly weren't really relationships in the first place.  Time! My identity! 
Jealousy was boxed.  The evil game of comparison.  Compare, compare and compare and you have jealousy!
Fits of rage.  Last night at our Home Fellowship Group (HFG) we were asked to humble ourselves and vocalize something we struggle with...a sin. I said this.  No one suspected it.  But yes.  My kids wear me thin some days and my patience is stripped and I can grow a temper that scares even me sometimes. 
Selfish Ambition, yes do we all? I wake up and it's not the first thing I want to do, serve my husband and kids.  I want to grab my cup of coffee and sit down and just have it be me. 

Here's a long one for you....
"Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry.  Because of these the wrath of God is coming.  You used to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived.  But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips.  Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.  Here this is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.  Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.  Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another.  Forgive as the Lord forgave you.  And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity."
Colossians 3:5-14

My questions came flooding to my head.  Have I rid myself of these? Do I recognize my low state and my HUGE need for a Savior? Are there barriers in the relationships I cultivate? Am I building walls or bridges? Do I imitate Christs compassion? Do I forgive as Christ forgave? Do I allow love (not the feeling but the action and yes I believe there is a difference) to rule my heart? Do I live in humility or am I like the arrogant Pharisees, proud and boastful? 

I mean talk about an uplifting bath time right? But yes! It is uplifting because although my flesh naturally desires the sinful nature and things on that heart desires, aches and yearns for the list of the Spirit.  It's easier to live in the first list.  It's hard work to live the fruits of the Spirit...IF we are on our own.  But the Spirit has names that assure us we are not on our own...
Counselor, Comforter, Spirit of Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding. The difference for me in these lists is that I HATE the first list.  I want nothing to do with it and although I struggle with some things on that list...I desire to be on the latter list.  

Romans 8:5 says that "those who live in  accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires".  Then, in verse 9 it says, "You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you.  And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ".  

If I didn't have the Holy Spirit, I can't imagine what my life would look like.  The list of the sinful nature would consume me.  Praise the Lord He didn't leave me on my own.  Praise the Lord I am controlled by a Great Guide, the Holy Spirit.  My prayer today is to continually ask Jesus, continually ask the Holy Spirit to "create in my a pure heart and renew a steadfast spirit within me".  To chizzle away my heart of ice and cold and warm it with Christs love.  Because what are these thing without love? What is patience, compassion, kindness, gentleness and humility without love?

"Love IS patient, love IS kind.  It does NOT envy, it does NOT boast, it is NOT proud.  It is NOT rude, it is NOT self-seeking, it is NOT easily angered, it keeps NO record of wrongs.  Love does NOT delight in evil but REJOICES with the TRUTH.  It ALWAYS protects, ALWAYS trusts, ALWAYS hopes, ALWAYS perseveres. LOVE NEVER FAILS.....And now these three things remain: faith, hope and love.  But the greatest of these is love." 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Last night I came home from worship practice refreshed and encouraged.  I had spent the week researching the songs we are singing, concentrating on the words and letting them resonate with me.  I sat down with my husband last night and asked him what he thought worship meant. His response saddened me a little.  He said, "I cannot sing.  I do not know music and so I don't really look forward to the worship end of things in a church service"....he is embarrassed by his voice or inability to hit the right key.  

I talked to him about worship last night.  Usually he is the one leading me but God has given me a desire for worshiping Him through song and music and it was my turn to encourage my husband and teach him a little.  

I talked to him about the true meaning of worship.  We discussed how most who attend church probably like the "show".  We've heard it from close people, "we really like this church because they have a huge stage and lights and a big band".  But do they worship in Spirit and in Truth?

"Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.  God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth."
John 4:23-24

We talked about how some people in the church can be really technical, legalistic and discouraging when it comes to worship and we concluded that maybe they are not worshiping in spirit and truth.  
I encouraged him and discussed these issues:

Worshiping on Sunday mornings doesn't have to look the same to everyone.  It's structural sure...but it looks differently for me than it does my husband.  Worship can be being completely lost in song, hands raised, eyes closed and you are consumed by Jesus.  Worship can also be treated as a message.  I am SO thankful for our worship pastor and the pastoral staff at our church because I truly believe the messages are hand picked as are the songs of worship.  They are not simple songs....they are songs with great meaning and just soaked in the Gospel.  Worship may be just intently reading the words and letting God speak to you through those words.  Worship may be just closing your eyes, closing your mouth and listening to people around you worship.  Worship can seem sloppy.  Sometimes you are surrounded by people who are all tone deaf but that doesn't matter.  THAT DOESN'T MATTER.  It is not what we have to worship (instruments) or where we worship (big building, fancy or small)...what matters is our heart of worship.  

Heart of Worship 
When the music fades and all is stripped away and I simply come.....

Matt Redman sings this song and he has a gorgeous testimony of this song behind it.  I encourage you to take time to really read his story here.  Basically, his church was struggling to find meaning in it's worship. He decided to get rid of all musical instruments and sound systems for a season and allow only voices....the rest of the story is amazing.  

God doesn't hear you who are tone deaf.  God sees your heart.  I honestly get terrified to sing up front every time I am scheduled but one of the GREATEST privileges is pulling away from the mic and listening to God's choir....because although there may be lots of off pitch sounds....from the front it sounds angelic.  It's beautiful and I imagine it's a little taste of heaven.  

This is probably the most beautiful picture I have heard of what God hears....Jim Wilson laid down in a field of crickets and recorded them for an hour.  All he heard was lost of chirping. I know my husband and I love the sounds of crickets on a summer night.  It's beautiful.  Well Jim took it a step further and brought the recording to a studio and slowed down the track to match that of a human life span and this is what he got.....this is what I picture God hearing....we may hear the flaws but God hears his children worshiping His Name. 

I pray my husband can view worship differently after our talk.  I pray that his heart can know the true meaning of worship and not be embarrassed because of his pitch.  I personally think there is nothing more beautiful than someone who is tone deaf singing their heart out because I know and can tell where their heart is....they are worshiping in spirit and truth...

Thursday, March 13, 2014

"Motherhood isn't easy.  You have to work really hard."
Sally Clarkson

The start of this week began with a puking toddler.  Bible Study early Monday morning, host Bible study early Tuesday morning, home fellowship group Tuesday night, Awana Wednesday night, Worship Practice Thursday night..........most of these plans scratched off the mental calendar because this little man was under the weather.  It was the saddest things watching his frail, shaking body try to get out whatever was just put in.  But in the moments in between cleaning up puke here, taking care of the other three needy boys, disinfecting the entire house and doing repeated amounts of laundry....I sat grateful that I am here to do this for him.  To take care of him.  

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."
Galations 5:9

I was SO grateful for so many things taking care of this little man and many of them were knowing how to care for him before he was sick and during his sickness.  Now....before you go judging and storming off this blog because you think I'm an ultra-conservative, worry wart, freak...hear me out. ;).  We are not anti-everything. I do believe there is truth to natural care though.  Will I trust myself if my kid breaks his arm? no.  Healing a cavity with natural remedies? no.  Strep throat? no.  But the flu? yes.  I do not believe you need to pump your body full of medication for the flu.  I do not think you need to take cough suppressants during a cold.  Everyone is different but these things...these common illnesses I believe can be dealt with.  I honestly feel like since we started this approach my kids are recovering so much quicker.  This wasn't even a "24-hour bug" was way quicker.  So I wanted to share some of my tricks for you.

Bone Broth or Chicken Stock.  We have made this a part of our life now.  Homemade bone broth.  To either drink plain or in soups.  If you are looking for a good easy recipe check out my friends blog .

ahhhh Kombucha.  Wait...kom-what??? First of all I think this is an awesome picture of it ;) second of all if you don't know what Kombucha is you should really check out this article.  This drink provides great pro-biotics to help ward of the sicknesses during these cold months and there are so many other great benefits. 

Homemade disinfectant is a must for our cleaning.  This recipe is so simple and you can try it and experiment with it.  I haven't found a bad recipe once.  
1 orange
1 lemon
distilled vinegar
bay leaves
baking soda
orange essential oil
rosemary essential oil
tea tree essential oil
and the MAGIC ;) Thieves Blend essential oil (we'll talk more about that)

I mix the water, vinegar and baking soda first (because of the fizz reaction), then add the rest of the ingredients.  I just love how this cleans and I trust there are not yucky chemicals floating in the door handles my kids touch daily. 

now...Thieves Blend.  This is a blend of oils that I just love! I will put one drop in my tea, mix a few drops with coconut oil and rub on the bottom of my kids feet if I feel something coming on or while they are sick.  Diffuse it in your house or put it in their baths.  I'm convinced it works.

I am not promoting NO MEDS and I am not promoting NO FLU SHOT.  This is what works for our family and maybe next time you want to think about giving it a try...all winter my kids have been sick for less than a day and back at it and running around like their crazy selves.  

Now on a lighter, less controversial note (wait is homeschooling less controversial? ;) )...we are finishing up our Hungry Caterpillar Series...we still have a few things to work on and definitely some art.  WE are going to spend the last week or less studying the art in Eric Carle's books and trying to mimic the techniques as best as a 7, 6, 5, and 2 year old can!  All of these things are just your typical standards but done with caterpillars.

 counting by 4's

 putting the alphabet in order to make one very long caterpillar

 yes! I hand drew everything.  Hopefully next year I'll think ahead and really print everything off or pre-buy everything but for now...hand drawing/writing is what I'm doing.  So each day the kids had to color and trace numbers and words in their hungry caterpillar book (Williams was blank to draw his own and Zak has a lot of tracing)

 Learning space value on caterpillars :)

 Zakary I've learned is my child who "get's it" one day.  He didn't practice walking much...he woke up one day and decided to try it and did great.  He decided one day to wake up and talk in full sentences after barely saying any words.  He decided one day to wake up and potty train (done in a week...through the night even) I know he'll get his numbers and letters down...he's just taking his time apparently.

 making patterns (Matthew does really well with activities like these)

My kids are personally loving the caterpillar series.  There is so much to do with it to teach them!

yes...I have messy windows!

We also are learning about St. Patrick's day....

 Matthew reminds me of my Grandpa Anderson because he doesn't like his shirt buttoned up all of the way......

 William is doing clover fractions....

We also decided to make playdoh yesterday to make rainbow caterpillars and make homemade butter....

 william having focus issues while the butter is in the making...

 Benny sneaking from the play-doh making to the butter making...

 always focus issues....

 it started to really splatter....

 basically making a mess....

 but it was soooooo good..... and.....
you get homemade butter and buttermilk...yummmmmm!!!!!!

Play-doh Recipe:
1 c. flour
1 c. water
2 tsp. cream of tartar
1/3 c. salt
1 TB vegetable oil

mix dry ingredients in a saucepan.  Add wet ingredients and cook on medium high.  Stir constantly for 1 minute and add your food coloring. Keep stirring until it clumps together.  Once it's close to the consistency of playdoh remove and set on wax paper to cool.  Once it's cooled work out lumps with hands and store in air tight container. 

 this is how we learn our awana verses....
 seriously...focus issues....

 play time.... 

Oh! We FINALLY finished our took way longer than expected but we are in LOVE! Here is the before.....

yes....we love it!

okay did I overwhelm you with stuff today?? How one more to sweeten it up???

yes....prune cake.  It was soooooo goooooood!!!!!!

Of course it's from the Pioneer Woman.  Her delicious recipe is right over here on her website! Enjoy!!!!!!!!