Friday, October 25, 2013

Week 7...complete!

It's getting better...not where I'd like to be...but better.
We are finishing up week 7 (I think :0) and the fact that I have seen the "first fruits" of this homeschool adventure is pretty breath taking.  Here is the story of my son showing the true goodness of his heart, making me cry joyful tears in the middle of McDonalds.

I would like to make a public confession.  I'm slow.  Someone will tell me a joke and it will take me a while to get it or it will take me repeating it to understand it...yup...a little slow.  So in the last post about homeschooling I mentioned that I just need to remember to keep God at the center of it all. That they can still learn even if we are not sitting at the table doing workbooks and activities.  I will also admit that...I am still not out of the workbook stage...still trying to stay fairly structured.  

I was encouraged this week through a fellow blogger and God opened my eyes to another "duh" moment.  So what if we didn't do what the 2nd grade book says to do. I read the bible today with my son and we talked about the Character of Samuel.  We talked about Israel's first King and why God said it wasn't a good idea.  This blogger is an incredible inspiration at how she is bringing education into her bible stories with her daughter.  Here is the link to her blog and ideas on educating her daughter.  

So....this...I feel scattered in this post but this is the important thing.  This week we talked about leaves. William studied online facts about leaves and had to present them to all of us last night at the dinner table.  We discussed different sizes of leaves and colors and why they change colors.  We talked about Hannah's prayer, Eli and Samuel and King Saul.  We memorized awana verses and sang Christmas Program songs.  William did a word cloud by studying chipmunks online.  We all made pies together and celebrated Zaks birthday and learned measurements by baking together.  My husband comes home and is relaxed, because we have no pressing schedule.  We are both learning to say "no" together.  If we feel the kids aren't going to handle Awana tonight we are going to miss it and we are going to be ok with it.  Last night I watch my husband and son cuddle in a chair and just read together.  I listened as Brian tucked them in to bed and said prayers and is slowly "de-stressing" on bed time routines.  These moments, that is why we are homeschooling.  WE would miss these moments if our kids were in school right now.  

So week 7 (geesh i think) is done!  I have a few projects to complete this weekend and then I'll post pictures of them and how we will incorporate sight words and numbers and letters in our learning :) but for now here are some pictures of our "school".


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the kind words, Stacie. You are doing a great job! I really like the sink/float idea. I might try that with Lucy today!
