Monday, October 21, 2013

Happy Birthday #2

Today is Zak's birthday! One of my biggest accomplishments...i say that with a giant smile because 6 years ago today this 9lb 6oz boy came into our lives.  He was complete with a giant scowl and fat rolls everywhere.  I am not kidding when I say that...he had dimples where his knuckles were supposed to be...rolls where there should have been wrists and ankles!  

I remember him running around the house when he was just two.  He was chasing Will and after two laps he came to me, put his hands on my lap and took some deep breaths.  He was not unhealthy...he just had a lot of weight to carry around!  I remember Brian walking in the house after work and we both just laughed at Zak because he came around the corner with boogers hanging out of his nose, a dirty white shirt from playing outside, a full diaper and he burped...that pretty much summed him up as a baby!

This little man has a special place in my heart.  He grew up to have the most tender heart and full of so much love.  He never really needed spankings or hard discipline.  Maybe that place in my heart is because of him loving and needing me so much!  He is definitely a "momma's boy", but I wouldn't have it any other way.

I am so thankful to God for my relationship with Zak.  When he was five months old we found out we were pregnant with Matthew...that was always hard me because I felt like we lost his childhood a little.  We don't remember as much from his childhood or being a baby...we cheated him a little.  However God has brought Zak and I together with an understanding relationship.  We are the closest...

Today Zak turns 6....where did that go? He is tall, handsome and so funny!  He loves ninja turtles, his bible, telling jokes and dressing up as Uncle Si from Duck Dynasty!  He loves it when I tuck him at night and he loves it when I sing to him.  He loves me reading the book "I love you forever".  The first year of his life he scowled when I put the camera in his face and every now and then he'll still give me a shy look but 90% of the time he is all smiles and laughs!

He loves collecting little stuffed animals, he loves speaking in a different language (one he's made up himself), he could live off sausage and he loves basketball!  

I love you Zak! You have been a wonderful blessing in our lives and we couldn't imagine life without you! Happy Birthday Zak-attack!
We love you!

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