Wednesday, October 30, 2013

It's that time of year again.  Time for another Marriage Challenge and I know I am way overdue for one.  In my life especially I feel like God is preparing me a little for this by letting those old bad habits creep in and allowing me to see them.  I tell you what ladies, I have a lot to learn.  

This is going to be a great time of the year to do this!  We will go right through Thanksgiving which is a great time to reflect and give Thanks for what God has blessed you with.

Marriage is a tough thing right? If you can't agree with me on that then I believe you don't have the right perspective on how God designed marriage.  I believe there are some important things we all need to see and remind ourselves about God's intentions for Marriage.  One thing I know will help me with this challenge is to remember that Eve came from dust and man.  God didn't just see dust and see the man He created from it and thought, "ah well I better make a girl".  He is intentional and purposeful.  There is scripture to back up that we are to be underneath our husbands wing...under his arm...where we came from...his ribs.  In our society of selfishness, pride, role reversal and so much more it's important that no matter your schedule or position in life, you remember God chose your husband to lead and you are to snuggle in right under that arm and let him. 

"So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up it's place with flesh. And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man He made into a woman and brought her to the man.  The man said, 'This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman because she was taken out of Man.'  Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh."
~Genesis 2:21-25~

God never said marriage would be easy.  But He did guarantee security when a marriage is centered on Christ.  Pastor Ken at our church just preached on marriage and how he views it as a spiritual incubator.  I couldn't agree more.  I grow more in my faith through my marriage and my parenting.  How do you center a marriage on Christ? Well I believe it starts with prayer.  BELIEVE me I am the last person to preach on prayer because in all honesty I suck at it.  I have four kids under the age of 7 so quiet time is rare in this house...I can't hear myself think let alone hear myself pray.  But I am going to make it my goal this month to open myself completely and humbly to Christ.  Because I want to see big things happen in our marriage.  I want to really encourage you to commit to praying for your marriage daily.  Did you catch that? NOT FOR YOUR HUSBAND.  I'm not saying praying for husband is bad...we will do that in our challenge but I want you to put your focus on your marriage.  Why? Because God is going to change you first.  God is going to show you where he needs you before He will change your husband.  It's a humbling experience when God asks you to change something in yourself that then makes that other something in your husband seem pity and small.  

On top of the many challenges you are going to face this month (some small, some big, some hard and some easy), this is where I want you to start.  We have to get out of any mindset that marriage is meant to make us happy.  That is not what it was designed for and if our thinking it that then we will constantly be disappointed.  We have to get out of any mindset that is selfish and prideful.  This month is a month to SERVE your husband fully.  I am not degrading women here or putting all women in a box that says you need to stay home with your kids, put your apron on, bake, clean, take out the trash or do every bit of laundry every day...that is legalistic.  But Jesus came to serve...not to be served and we are to model his example and what better place to start than with our husbands? 

I am so excited to do this challenge with you girls! I am excited to hear some testimonies of how God is working through your marriage.  I want to see God glorified and honored through this challenge and will continue to pray that He is! 
I don't know all of you but I will be praying for you and your marriages!

Some of the resources I will be using are these:
The Love Dare by Kendrick
The One Year Book of Devotions for Couples by Ferguson
The Five Love Languages by Chapman
The Power of a Praying Wife by Omartian
Love and Respect by Eggerichs

Just a heads up too.  We will be doing some challenges that might need some planning.  Date nights will include one while kids are in bed, one out and about and one at home date night without kids.  There will be letter writing and conversation tips and even a "get to know you game" of some sort. 

MIGHT BE THE BIGGEST CHALLENGE OF ALL...DON'T TELL YOUR HUSBAND YOU ARE DOING THIS.   There will be a time and a place to do so but try your hardest not to let you husband know you are participating in this challenge!

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