Tuesday, October 22, 2013

...fruit...what an incredible blessing

Tomorrow I will try and update all of my followers (not that I have a huge group ;) on the home school front.
But today I wanted to share this.

Life on the home school front has been anything but easy.  Quite difficult actually.  A lot harder than I thought and honestly, I was seeing hardly any good coming from it.  The days seemed longer and more stressful and Brian has come home to me more than once in a breakdown from the pressure of it all.  The pressures of being a mom, a teacher, a wife and a daughter of the King of the Universe.  Oh! The pressure of that...of course that I bring on myself.  God's standards are not impossible but WE make them that way.
Now before I go too crazy is this post and share all of my emotions I wanted to share that today I saw the first fruits of keeping my kids home with me.  

Some may greatly disagree but I believe that it's important for my kids to see how I handle stress.  It is important for me to lift my hands to the One who knows my every thought and give it to Him. 

Today I was able to meet with my sisters.  Beautiful sisters in Christ in good fellowship is a sweet sweet thing.  I walked away from it refreshed and encouraged.  Yesterday was Zaks birthday and he got some gift cards to McDonalds.  So we decided to have lunch together after a quick visit with Dad.  William offered to pray and these were his words,
"Dear God, thank you for this day.  Thank you that mom is here and taking us out to lunch.  Thank so much that mom could go over to Nora's Mom's house and study the bible and learn about you. I love you. Amen."

Need I say more? 

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