Friday, May 2, 2014

The sun rises and it beams through the windows.  The heating blanket is on and the sheets are tangled but  My husband is up and ready and he comes walking in, leans over and kisses me good bye.  The kids start yelling my name.  So I am up, slippers on the feet and I walk away from the tangled sheets, folded, crinkled...evidently revealing a good nights sleep.  

I used to think it was pointless to make the bed.  I used to think that in 12 hours I would be right back in there, tangling them up even more.  But after nine years of marriage and four kids...this is why I make my bed. 

photo credit Amy Oonk with Everyday Joy Photography

I feel incredibly blessed to have this man in my life.  I feel even more amazed at the fact that God hand picked him for me at the age of 14...yes you read that right...14.  God knew exactly what he was doing because this man compliments me in every way possible.  God knew I needed a man who would love me no matter how much my body changed with each kid.  God knew I needed a man assured me that no other woman means more to him than me.  God knew I needed a man who would jump in fully to the father role.  

 Photo credit Amy Oonk with Everyday Joy Photography
Photo Credit Amy Oonk with Everyday Joy Photography

So I untangle the sheets.  Lay them straight and think of the long talks we've had with our heads resting on our pillows.  I remember those late saturday mornings where we could cuddle while kids jumped all over us.  I think back to each baby born spending their first few months with us snuggled closely in those sheets.  

For me, making the bed is a time for me to remember God's faithfulness in my life. This man and I were picked by God to be together ... just us ... no one else.  I pray and we pray that God will break the chains of adultery and broken marriages in my family with our marriage.  I bring the sheet above my head and watch it balloon up and I tuck it in tight around the bed.  I layer the blankets on and fluff the pillows.  I give thanks.  

And the second reason I make the bed....because it never fails that once the reminiscing is done...the sound of fluffing pillows always brings the pitter patter of little feet...and the greatest joy they experience right now is the freedom to jump on a clean bed....

and then I cry....because God's faithfulness overwhelms me.  When I graduated high school...I had dreams for my life and as much as sometimes I wanted them to be this big degree from a good was instead to be a mom to Brian's kids.  I try daily not to take these four little men in my life for granted because I have seen first hand in family and friends the pain of miscarriages and infertility.  God has been so faithful...and I am so undeserving.  That is why I cry....

May seem little and petty to most but for me...making the bed is a good part of my day....