Wednesday, May 28, 2014

I have this incredible group of girls in my life.  Every Tuesday we get together at one of our houses and we study the Bible.  This amazing woman of faith prayed two years ago who God wanted her to invest her time into and He answered her prayer with this small group of young girls that has turned into us extending the offer to other moms.  Take a break with me right there.  How many times, I wonder, have I prayed something like that and IMMEDIATELY a name popped into my head but I doubted it with, "maybe this person is just my desire to invest in their lives...not Gods".  How many times did I "shrug" God's suggestion off and ultimately miss out. Okay back on track....

So every Tuesday we get together and currently we are discussing Hebrews...which I love.  Some weeks we get through two verses and some weeks we get through two chapters.  We read of yelling kids or other moms being interrupted by their kids or the clanking to toys from the little babies sitting right on their mama's laps.  

Okay I am going to bunny trail again (wink).  This past weekend was Memorial Day Weekend.  Each holiday weekend in the summer there is this GIANT flee market in a city a little north of where I live and I love to go.  I had one say thank you to a Vet.  I failed.  Usually when my kids are with me I encourage them to thank a vet and it's easier when they are around...but when it was just me...I crawled back in my shell.  But this wasn't the only failure I faced that day....

I was at this little booth with old books.  If you don't know me yet I have a fascination with old books.  A friend had told me about The Sugar Creek Gang books and I found this one and opened it up...I read the line out loud, "I knew I wasn't in heaven yet"...I smiled and the owner of the booth said, "Don't we all wish heaven was coming soon? We just gotta keep livin' a good life so we have better chances of getting in".  I paid him and I.WALKED.AWAY.

The writer of Hebrews loved the history of his people.  He appreciated the way God worked through his chosen people DESPITE THEIR MANY SHORTCOMINGS.  And, as chapter 11 brilliantly illustrates, he knew that God had worked through people of faith down through the centuries to keep his great plan on track.  In compiling their names, the writer created what has come to be known as the Bible's Hall of Faith.  

Drawing from a huge cast of Old Testament heroes, the writer proves his point that God is pleased by the trust that people have in him.  Faith is more important to God than Jewish rituals ever were - even before they became obsolete.  Before Israel had a system of laws and religious rituals, the faith of godly men and women gave God immense pleasure - people like Abel, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob and Moses.  To live in the Hall of Faith forever we need to do two things.  First, like anyone entering the race, "let us throw off everything that hinders" (12:1).  Yield everything to Christ.  Second, we are really to believe that Jesus is trustworthy.  We we do, we have given up the sin that so easily besets us - for that is the sin of unbelief. We give up that sin when we "fix our eyes on Jesus" (12:2).

In going through the Hall of Faith-ers I can't help but be encouraged.  Abraham faithfully obeyed God despite never seeing some of the promises (many nations through him).  He died living by faith. Sarah laughed when she was told she would have a baby in her old age...she doubted.  Jacob struggled his whole life with God until he and God literally got into an all night wrestling match.  Still, he was re-named Israel which means "He struggles with God".  Moses had little faith at times, doubted at times and before speaking to the people he questioned God and asked God to choose someone else.  Rahab...she is one of my favorites because all of the Hall of Faith-ers had God speaking to them directly.  Rahab had only heard about this powerful God and she chose to have faith and fear God.  Isn't that how we come to God today? We hear of his great works and the life of Jesus and we believe without seeing.  Gideon was plagued with doubts.  Barak had faith that wavered and wouldn't go into war unless Deborah went with him.  Samson...he gave into many weaknesses of the flesh and made numerous mistakes.  Jephthah was a mighty warrior and although he accomplished great things when he trusted in God, he made a fatal mistake that ended in disastrous consequences for his family.  David, a murderer, adulterer and liar yet still listed.  All of these people were incredibly honored in chapter 11 of Hebrews.  What I love so much about the compilation of these heroes is that somewhere everyone can relate to ONE person in this Hall of Faith.  No one is exempt. Isn't that just the character of God and the Bible? It is for can relate to everyone as can the ancestors of the Hall of Faith.

Faith is the belief that God is real and that God is good.  Faith is not a mystical experience or a midnight vision or a voice in the is a choice to believe that the one who made it all hasn't left it all and that he still sends light into the shadows and responds to gestures of faith...

Faith is not the belief that God will do what you want.  Faith is the belief that God will do what is right.  The authors translation (Hebrews by Max Lucado) recites Matthew 5:6 like this, "Blessed are the dirt-poor, nothing-to-give, trapped-in-the-corner, destitute, diseased," Jesus said, "for theirs is the kingdom of heaven".  God's help is near and always available, but it is only give to those who seek it.  Nothing results from apathy...

yes....that is what I should have said to the man at the booth who is "working" his way to heaven.  I pray for that man...that someone brave will share the Gospel with him...

Although I look down on myself and am disappointed and discouraged and yes questioned my ability as a Christian or my joy in my walk...I am grateful and indebted that God doesn't shake his head at me...I pray he continues to give me opportunities to reach out and share his Gospel out of my comfort zone...not in it. 

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