Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Remember a while back I said I was closing my facebook account? Well I lied! Okay I didn't purposefully lie but I made am impulsive, rash decision (I can't believe I'm saying that about facebook) and I had a friend encourage me to just pray about it.  My first initial thoughts were, "why do I have to pray about getting off facebook?!?" But then there was more...
Hey sister. I've been thinking. I don't think you should stop blogging. And I don't think you should shut down your FB entirely. You know the old saying "misery loves company"? Don't give these girls and the devil the pleasure of knowing they are the cause for you withdrawing from something that reaches so many people. The devil wants this. He wants to discourage you and make you feel like you aren't cut out for this. He wants you to doubt a God given gift. He wants you to shut down your blog because it glorifies God and because it brings a sense of spiritual relief that quite a few of your FB followers desire. Your blogs are a sort of ministry, reaching people that need it. I understand stepping away from FB. But, FB is a great way to share your blog. I don't follow blogs because it's too hard through my phone. I only see/read your blogs when you post the link via FB. I know a few other I women as well that love reading your blog and I know they find them through FB. This isn't a guilt trip or me trying to pressure to stay plugged into FB. FB can be a dangerous world - this I know from past experiences. But it can also be uplifting, encouraging and an amazing way to intentionally spread the love of Christ. Just a thought. Love you.
Then there was this...
I wanted to share this with you. To let you know there are people out there that think you are doing good despite the rude mean Satan spirit people. When I got married I drifted away from my faith. This last year has been very hard in my life emotionally, from dealing with my feelings changing and home sickness from my family I am not sharing this to praise you but to give you encouragement God is working through you. Reading your posts and reading your blogs has made me realize the person that was missing in my daily like from Jesus and my faith, my faith to him. I have since started studying the bible again and really focusing on my future and what my life plan is, what plan he has for me. Please keep doing what you are doing even though there are people trying to tear you down!
I don't post these to give myself praise or anything else you may be thinking.  I post these to give God the glory that for some reason some crazy people out there are actually encourage by the words God gives me and the heart God has given me.  Just like throughout this whole month God has affirmed my true friendships and how much he has blessed me with women who have evidently true loving hearts for God.
So what am I learning from this month of mixed emotions??? OH.MY.GOODNESS...the one thing I am horrible at. TRUST.  I have this amazing mentor.  Sue Scott. She gives so much into my life and I feel I will never be able to bless her like she has blessed me, but she told me that it's possible God continues to bring these situations into my life to work out some good in me.  We kept talking and it came out that I need to trust more....ahhhhh....right.  That one word that I've always struggled with (just ask my husband)!  God has been working in my heart.  He has given me a heart for women...especially the women of my generation.  He has given me a desire to see the women of my generation rise up and become a great movement for God.  As Jennie Allen says, a great movement is a bunch of successful women or big events for the world to see....a great movement of women for Christ is 10,000 women on their faces surrendering to Christ. 
This has been so true to my walk with Christ right now...Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders, let me walk upon the waters...wherever you would call me.  Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander and my faith would be made stronger in the presence of my Savior.
I want to have trust without borders.  I want God to take me deeper into the great unknown...whatever He has for my life and whatever He has for me to learn through these broken relationships...I pray I glorify Him in it all.

There are still a swirl of emotions I need to work through and thankfully I have an abundance of scripture plastered on the walls for me to write on my heart....because that is the only way I will heal.  Friend can heal my emotions and it's instant, but the heart that has a seed of anger and bitterness in it from these broken relationship...only CHRIST CAN HEAL THAT.
so I continue to "call upon your name.  Keep my eyes above the wave.  When oceans rise, my soul will rest in your embrace.  I am Yours and You are mine"...
another thought that I keep pounding into my head is that Jesus...a relationship with Jesus is not about us.  These circumstances and broken friendships that are going on in my life are not about me...they are about Him.  He didn't die for us to advance His cause or hawk His wares.  He died for me because He loves me, and seeks to welcome me into a growing and satisfying fellowship with Him.  He desires that for you too.  He is God...the One we were built for in the first place.  The One we were designed to worship with our every thought and move...our very lives.  He is the emerging King of a new eternal order, and we have the unspeakable privilege  of serving Him daily.  He is the ONE and only answer to all that we need and want!

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