Thursday, August 29, 2013

The start of our new journey together....

We are getting so close....the time to start that new journey together...homeschooling.
These four little crazy boys sometimes make me want to pull my hair out but other times make me want to sit down, pull them on my lap and take in every scent, every feature and every moment with them.  They mean the world to me...that big one does to.

We have gotten both good and bad responses when we tell people we are homeschooling.  My friend just recently put it, "It's sad that homeschooling is a topic like breastfeeding or bottle feeding.  A stay at home mom or a working mom".  So, so true!  

Want me to have an honest moment with you? I've had doubts.  I've had moments where I've broken down and questioned whether or not this is a good thing.  I've questioned myself if I am doing this for selfish reasons or for reasons to benefit my children.  I've cried, become grumpy and overwhelmed.  How does God work in it all? He brings me moms who have home-schooled and have been a huge encouragement.  He puts new young moms in my life who are trying for the first time, who have done it just for a year or for many years and share my excitement and commitment to it.  Is that not God working? A random mom, who I've never met, comes into my life and somehow we talk about school and I find out they too are a homeschooling family! 

Last year was probably the longest year of my life.  I had one child who screamed everyday I dropped him off, chased me down the hall once and clung to me for dear life.  I know many of you think I should have continued to push him into school.  I know this because many of you have shared your stories with me.  And I do not write this to make you feel guilty (because everyone is different) but that was not for me.  My heart was hurting everyday I left my kid there.  There are going to be many days to come when he doesn't want to be with me, why not hang on tight to those days (right now) when he wants to be with me.
I also had a kid who loves school.  But he hated getting there and he hated coming home.  Everyday we fought. I fought with him in the morning to get up and get going, fought with him to get him to his class and fought with him when he got home because he just wanted to check out and not listen,!  That made for a very long, tiring year.  I had no chance to work on his character, to teach him values, I could live the love of Christ but I had no time to teach him it because he came home from school and didn't want to learn more.  We fought.  I made a decision at the end of the year to not live like that year again.  This is where I questioned and wrestled a little because he really does love school.  But I cannot honor God in the lifestyle we lived last year.  

So we are almost there.  We decided to start when everyone else does and surprisingly and all praise to God they are getting excited!  I was mostly overwhelmed at the curriculum choices for 2nd grade so this year I was blessed to be able to borrow curriculum to see how it works and what I like.  So we have decided to go with sonlight this year and we couldn't be more excited!  I have had great support and help from friends, family and others.  My sister scored a whole reading curriculum for free along with a huge flip book of the science! I found a couple garage sales that allowed me to grab some great deals on writing and reading, along with sing along songs.  I downloaded music both praise and worship, and typical songs kids know so everyday we can learn music (I believe it is a huge part in learning).  

I would be lying if I still wasn't scared. If those doubts of "am I doing enough", "am I doing the right thing", "will people hate me because of it", "will I ruin my kids", rise up in me still.  BUT I focus on things above! I look at the eternal value and those fears are washed away!  I have decided to not base anything on this year.  I will do it again next year and base if off that.  If it's not working out for us then we will try a different option.  God has gifted me with four boys to raise up to know and love Him.  I want to put them in a world of hate towards God and have them be prepared to really show the love of Christ.  I don't need them to be prepared to be able to survive in this crazy world.  I need them to be the hands and feet of Christ to change this crazy world.  My prayer this year, I'm challenging myself to do it everyday, is to pray for parents of the next generation.  That they too, would prepare their kids to be the hands and feet of Christ, to be a generation of courage for God.  To know how to show Christs love and stand up for Him. 
Thank you for those who have been so supportive to our journey and for those who have prayed!

 This will be our "theme" for the school year

 For now (until the basement is finished) this is where the kids' stuff is stored

 This is in Will and Zaks room.  We are not going to be super crazy about this but they will just know what day of the week it is, the date, and get chores here.  And the crafty weather ball :D.  Attached is a clothes pin that says, "today's weather is..." and there is a cloud, umbrella, sun and snowflakes
 one of the "reading centers"...a small bookshelf of books and a giant bean bag

 Art supplies and my daily vitamin (coffee)

All of my resources!
Here we go........

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