Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Fall...the most wonderful time of the year

I just love fall...I love everything about it and although it's probably not fully here yet (meaning we will have a few more super hot, unbearable days), it sure felt like it yesterday on the 2nd day of September and I could do nothing but celebrate it!

I love apples, apple cider, spiced apple cider, apple picking, apple pie, apple crisp, apple dumplings.  I love pumpkin, pumpkin pie, pumpkin spice latte's, pumpkin creamer, pumpkin soup, pumpkin dip and pumpkin butter.  Pumpkin spice donuts, big family dinners, gatherings, flannel, pears, acorns, leaves and piles of leaves.  I love hunting season, football and the coming of Thanksgiving as well as the anticipation of snow!
I know I'm crazy!

Here is how we celebrated fall yesterday! Although I still have lots of peaches to can still today (such a summer thing...geesh), I whipped up some blueberry syrup and blackberry syrup, butternut squash soup and an apple peach crisp.  This morning we had blueberry french toast casserole and it was OH.so.yummy!!!!

Here they are and their recipes!

I was geeked about this soup!  I think in my head I wouldn't like it so when I tasted it and couldn't get enough of it....I was squealing and smiling HUGE...asking my husband if he liked it as much as I did!
1 medium butternut squash
3 c. chicken broth
3 T. butter
3 T. flour
2 1/2 c. milk
Dash of nutmeg
Salt and pepper to taste

Cut your squash in 1/2 and scrape out seeds and pulp.  Roast in the oven at 350 degrees for about an hour or until you can easily put a fork in it.  Take out and allow it to cool.  Once cool, take the skin off it and cut it into chunks.  Put your squash chunks in a blender with 3 c. chicken broth and blend until smooth.  Meanwhile in a soup pan melt butter.  Add flour and blend together with butter until it clumps together.  Slowly add your milk and whisk until is starts to thicken.  Add your squash mixture and heat up and whisk occasionally until thick.

We served with croutons and cheese but you can use saltine crackers or eat plain! So yummy!

This was also so very yummy! At the end of the day I was requesting a reward be made in honor of me today!
Peach Apple Crisp

3 apples skinned, cored and sliced
3 peaches skinned, pitted and sliced
1 c. brown sugar
1 c. flour
1 c. oatmeal
1 stick of butter
choice of nuts (optional)

Spray a 8x8 pan and place mixed apple and peach mixture in the pan.  Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon.
Melt 1 stick of butter in a pan.  Meanwhile mix oatmeal, flour, brown sugar and nuts in a bowl.  Pour melted butter over and mix until it comes to a crumble like consistency.  Place over peach/apple mixture.  Bake for 30-35 minutes at 350 degrees!

We woke up this treat! Blueberry French Toast Casserole with homemade blueberry syrup!

For the casserole:
6 eggs
1 1/2 c. milk
1/2 c. flour
1 Tb. sugar
1 ts. ground cinnamon
1/2 ts. vanilla extract
1/2 ts. nutmeg
1/4 ts. salt
10 thick slices of french bread cut into cubes
1 c. blueberries (or however many you want in your casserole)
1 (3oz) package of cream cheese

Beat eggs, milk, flour, sugar, cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg and salt together in a large bowl with a hand mixer.
Add your bread cubes and stir until well coated.  Pour mixture into a sprayed 9x13 pan.  Top with blueberries and cubed cream cheese.  Cover dish and refrigerate for 2-24 hours. Bake at 400 degrees for 30-35 minutes.

For the delicious syrup:
2 c. blueberries
1 C. sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
1/4 c. water

Combine in a saucepan and heat until syrup consistency!

We use this and a little bit of maple syrup on the casserole and it is AMAZING!!!!!

That's all for now! Later I will be blogging about our first day homeschooling with pictures!

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