Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Isn't it amazing to watch and listen to God speak to you? 

Have you EVER experienced that? 

I think God speaks so much to us and we fail to hear it...maybe because we don't believe? Maybe because we don't think our God is big enough for our seemingly big problems but what are really trivial.  Maybe we don't have faith enough to believe God is All-powerful!

Insecure! That is what I struggle with.  I am insecure in my body...insecure in my looks...insecure in my position as a daughter, a friend, a sister, a wife and definitely a mother.  

Failure! That is what I constantly think of myself.  Failing all day...everyday.  The minute I utter a word that comes out with even slightly one pitch higher (let alone 5) than the first word I cringe and honestly I think, "why would God want a woman like me to serve him"? Impatient, selfish, controlling, emotional, lazy (at times very lazy)...when I should be throwing my hands up in praise and begging for forgiveness I am throwing my hands up with the towel being thrown up.  

But as Satan weaves his shallow...shallow lies (

GOD SPEAKS TO ME IN LOVE... the truth! 

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