Tuesday, August 6, 2013


There was once this little girl.  I wish I could describe her cuteness!  She was tiny, with little hands and feet, huge blue eyes and blonde hair that was always put in a pony tail at the top of her head making her hair cascade over like a fountain. 

See God knew that we would be sisters before we knew.  God knew we would share bonds that we couldn't have even imagined before we even desired them.  Ya see, not all sisters have a bond.  Not all sisters even have a relationship.  And when they do, it is something to be cherished and something to be incredibly thankful for.  

This little girl would always come knocking on my door.  Asking me if she could play with my dollhouse.  Sometimes, sure, I thought it was annoying especially if I had just set it all up but most times I let her in and played with her or let her play.  With a 7 year difference this is a big deal to let a little girl come into your room and play with your dollhouse. 

Us kids, we were raised in divorce.  Never, NEVER underestimate the effects of divorce.  Some think it's no big deal but really, it has long lasting effects on who you become and emotionally.  So really, we relied on each other.

This girl continued to grow as did I.  I remember trying to invest in her life so that she would grow to be a strong woman of God.  Yes we had an amazing mother who did this as well but sometimes it's just different when your bigger sister does it.  She finally made it to Jr. High where I was a group leader.  I still clearly remember the picture taken with my first small group and how cool that my sister was there.  I will never forget the times we had together.  I will never forget thanking God in prayer for making her a strong woman of God.  I will never forget the sentiment involved in serving on a missions trip together with your younger sister who you watched be raised.  I can imagine it's a lot like serving with your child who you've lifted in prayer to become a strong warrior for God.  What an amazing blessing!

Even better.  God gave us a bond that we could never imagine.  We both love to shop, we both love to sing, we both love to bake, we both love photography, we both love our Jesus and we both love women who share our faith.  How cool is that? Although I know there may be times when we both wished we didn't share so much in common (especially when we go shopping together, separate and come back with the exact same piece of clothing), but for the most part I am incredibly grateful that we share these in common because I am reminded that some women don't have sisters, some don't have sisters that share the same faith, some don't have sisters that have ONE thing in common but I have a sister who is basically a twin and I am incredibly grateful for that. 

I know we both mess up and sometimes it creates a HUGE mess but one thing I am incredibly indebted to and incredibly grateful for is God's faithfulness, His promises and His Amazing Grace!

Grace and Peace, oh how can this be?
The matchless King of all (there is none other like Him)
Paid the blood price for me (suffered and died for me...you)
Slaughtered Lamb, what atonement You bring! (perfect sacrifice)
The vilest sinner's heart can be cleansed, can be free
Oh, what an amazing mystery
What an amazing mystery
That your grace has come to me

Sister, you know who you are.  I love you! One falling out means nothing less.  I am grateful because James says that we should rejoice in our sufferings because it is used to strengthen our faith and walk with God.  Although our suffering is painful and hard to learn through I am excited to see what God teaches us.  

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