Tuesday, October 21, 2014

It has ALWAYS amazed me how emotions can change with a drop of a leaf.  In Michigan, that is a true statement.  I can sit at the window in awe of God's beauty of fall but then a leaf falls and you are brought to the reality that winters cold is right around the corner.  The time in life where you burrow yourself inside and kept yourself warm and safe.  The time when the season controls your schedule, the snow, the ice, the wind.  November is statistically the month where depression rises.  It's proven.  It's true.  My sister puts it as S.A.D. or "seasonal affective disorder" which is actually a real thing. 

"A type of depression that occurs at a certain time of the year, usually in the winter."

What causes the depression in places like Michigan? I would say it's the lack of sun.  The days are shorter.  My husband gets it a little because he leaves for work when it's dark and comes home when it's dark.  

So how do you fight S.A.D? Well just as November is statistically proven to be the month with high depression it's also statistically proven that if you write down 5 things a day you are thankful for you will be 25% happier.  Typically for me Thanksgiving through Easter are really somber months for me.  I always find myself searching for God's glory more through these months which leads me to really focus on giving thanks in all things. 

Here is my encouragement to fighting off any type of seasonal depression...whether it be in the winter, in the summer, in the midst of mothering young ones, in the midst of dealing with consequences from sin, in the midst of struggling through school or busy season schedules...

1.  start recording things daily that are good...that you are thankful for.  Find a place to "record" them whether it be a notebook on the kitchen counter with a pen ready or a tree made out of naked tree branches with pieces of paper hanging from them with a pen ready to record, or pieces of paper taped to your kitchen sink or window...make them ready and make them visible!

2.  Exercise.  I'm not saying train for a marathon but it's also proven that you are given more energy through exercise and energy will help beat those winter blues or depression vibes.  Find a yoga or pilates that you like to do or a quick 20 minute cardio to do. 

3.  Try and limit your carbs.  This also leads to lack of energy which will help contribute to your seasonal depression.

4.  Get outside! Especially when the days are shorter! Sit out on the porch for 5 minutes with a warm cup of coffee, tea, hot chocolate and breathe in the cold air and soak up the sun.  Just be still and just give thanks.  

5.  Plan out your days.  Whether you are staying in all day or out and about.  Plan them out so there is no stress or feeling overwhelmed.  Shop accordingly.  I don't know about you but family parties stress me out because I feel like I'm constantly shopping for them.

6.  nap...snuggle up with a good book on the couch by the window and read while you fall asleep :) it's good for everyone to catch up on your sleep this winter. 

7.  Find blogs that are encouraging and read them...write them down and schedule time in the day or in the week to read them!

8.  Lastly but OH most importantly...read the Word of God.  Study it, memorize it and join in fellowship through it! It's the only thing that is reliable and will get you through that seasonal depression!

Here are a few of my absolute favorite blogs! Enjoy!

This one is new but I don't doubt it will be amazing!

Ann Voskamp always has amazing reads to get you through the winter!

The pastor at our church has a blog and I am always learning through it!

A sweet friend of mine who home schools and centers her life around Christ

There are many many more! What are some of your favorites? And what are your ways for defeating S.A.D.?

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