Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The House Reveal :: {{week 6}}

Well we have officially been in our house for over a month now.  I know many are waiting and waiting and patiently waiting to see pictures so I decided to take some.

A year ago, some dear friends of mine sold their big GORGEOUS home and bought a much more humble home.  They had necessary reasons in making that decision and although they loved their old house they have no "look backs" calling their new humble abode their home.  
She is incredibly talented in making a house a home and I took notes when I was there last ;) but this was her latest "craft" for her home decor and i.love.it! 

**this isn't her picture but it's the same saying**

This will be on my long "to-do" list in making this house a home.  In past posts I've stressed how much of a change this is for us.  Not just an adjustment with the size of house but also an adjustment figuring things out in the sticks. We haven't had internet yet and well, running a business isn't very easy without internet.  So that has been a huge stressful adjustment as we try and find the best satellite provider.  

My husband and I went to IKEA last Friday with his parents and we both had so much fun.  We got some curtains and rods and sinks and this weekend we are going to start the bathroom make over! I am very VERY excited for this bathroom makeover BECAUSE it was the room that flooded on the first day we moved in and it has an OLD toilet with a padded seat and I've been squatting for six weeks to go to the bathroom ;) I am ready READY more than ready to get started on this bathroom! 
Enough talking...here are the pictures you've all been waiting for!

This is EVENTUALLY be the entry way.  But currently we have little four boys sleeping here until we get the upstairs finished!  All of the knotty pine will be painted a light grey.  Gasp! who would ever paint knotty pine?!?!?!  Well living on the river and the sand that surrounds our entire house, we are going to do hardwood floors through the whole house so for ME (personal preference) it would be too much wood.  The windows will be lined with simple white curtains or bamboo blinds (haven't decided yet) and the light will come from those and lamps.  This will be where my desk is and other furniture for comfortable sitting.  That door will be gone (out of the room but not getting rid of it) as will the framed in windows leading to the living/dining room area!

Next is the living room/dining room!

Say "hello" to my wonderful friend helping me paint (won't mention her name).  I am going to LOVE this room when it's finished! White walls, big trim and wood floors.  AS of right now we are not painting the mantel or the brink because it matches our table and I want it to match the rest of the wood furniture in there as well.  But we'll see ;) The light fixture will be traded out of the dining room.  I'm on the hunt for a "candle chandelier" looking fixture (ya know like pottery barn...but not pottery barn).  But the fan will stay in the living room however I will be painting it.  All of the light switches and such will be spray painted black! This room is incredibly time consuming because I do not want those knots to bleed through so I am priming each knot twice then painting two coats of "super" paint.  But more progress has been made since this picture!

My kitchen!!!!!! I am SOOOO excited for this kitchen! It's HUGE! Here is my current plan in here.  The bottom cabinets will be painted a grey color and the top ones will stay white! We will put in butcher block counter top and hard wood floors! I'm soooooo excited to see how it turns out! There will be wood shelves where all of the homeschool stuff is and new appliances and yes! I'm keeping the open shelving and putting new cabinets on each side of the stove! Really hoping to have them built or maybe IKEA ones will work in the future! I REALLY wanted to do the farm house looking sink in there but then I would lose the old fashioned metal cabinets under the sink and I really didn't want to (complete with an old bread drawer)...so we bought a different farmhouse looking one ;)

The amazing bathroom (sarcasm BUT hey it works)! This is our first project because it needs to be done! I am on the hunt for an old wood buffet to turn into a vanity so if you see one shout out to me! We will be doing tile in here and the laundry room but unsure as to what kind (what will look good with wood flooring).  We will also be getting rid of the cabinetry and the current sink in there if anyone is interested!

This is our bedroom with beautiful hardwood floors! We will be trying to match this throughout the house! It's a small bedroom and I wasn't too happy to have to downsize our bed to a queen again (not in the room yet) and get rid of our king and my BEAUTIFUL door headboard :/ so I may be on the hunt for one of those as well but to fit a queen...I LOVED it!  Not much will change in here...the color and decor and light fixture but that's it!  Oh! and the fact that the door to get upstairs is in our bedroom ;) so that will be re-routed!

Isn't it pretty? This is also very exciting for me as we are (in the spring) taking the roof off and adding walls, dormers and a giant room for the boys complete with a sliding barn door...SOOOOO excited!!!!!

Lastly, the laundry room!

This is currently the door everyone uses to get in.  Both walls to the right and left of the laundry will be pushed out and made flush with the rest of the house.  To the left of the laundry we will put in a 1/2 bath and to the right is where the stairs will be re-routed!  This won't change much except the colors, light fixtures and the size of space ;) 

sooo...what do you think? what is your advice? What are your thoughts? :)

1 comment:

  1. I love all of the changes that you envisioned. I can see why you fell in love with this house!! The boys' room has a door. Will you keep it? I ask, because a few homes we have looked at, had a similar bedroom, that would be one of our children's and Eldon was against the room having the door. One being if someone made their way onto the property, a child's room is not where you would want them to gain access, but also, he worries said child might use it in the future when they aren't supposed to (ie later teen years).
