Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Happy First Day :: {choose JOY mama's}

Rise and shine...a new day has dawned...which means you have been given yet another grace in life...breath for another day.  You have received new mercies because HIS are new every morning.  He has given you another chance to choose how you respond to this day...trusting Him in it, love, peace, patience, kindness, self-control, gentleness, JOY, goodness...or you can choose stress, anxiety, regrets, impatience, frustration which are all linked to not trusting.  

Here are some tips to help you start your day.
Read Matthew 6:33 and pray...
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well".

Throughout your day, create a habit that God has ordained this day and the events happening specifically for you! Don't fight it...because if you do and think your plan is better...well you may just miss out on experiencing Him in your day.

1.  Guess what mama...YOU are not in charge of your day.  Open those hands up and receive what God has laid out for you and remember to fall to those knees daily.

2.  God is leading us every day.  This past weeks sermon was so perfect for daily reminders.  God will put difficult things in your day but those are not to hurt you but to remind you to fully depend on Him.

3.  None of use can face this alone!  If we have patience it's because he supplied it.  If we have energy it's because he provided it!

4.  Begin your day in the Bible...it gives you an energy like nothing else...even better than a protein filled breakfast and a good run.

5.  Ingrain this little detail into your head so that every time you look at your children you remember it...these are not your children.  They were gifted to you by God and they.are.HIS.  Pray all day long what God wants you to teach them today.  

And while the kids are learning their ABC's maybe you can take time and memorize yours?

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