Monday, September 15, 2014

Hello Blog.  It's been a while.  I feel honestly like I have had nothing worth saying at all...and I'm okay with that because honestly...sometimes being quiet is the best thing you can do right?
I went through my facebook emails because I know I missed some over this past crazy week and reopened some wounds that I thought were healed...

I feel like God is exposing sin after sin in my life.  It doesn't help that we are reading "respectable sins" in our small group and that points out all of the little subtle sins in the church.  Things like impatience, irritability, gossip/slander, our minds, judgement etc.  SELFISHNESS...ya know...little sins that everyone says is "okay" and really they are not.  

I have had a very emotional week.  We are moving...we are moving out of our new and beautiful home and not because we don't love it...we do.  If we could pick it up and move it I would pay the money to do so.  But we don't love the location.  Yes it's close to family and friends but it's a sub-division.  I know..most people love them and are trying to get in them..we however want out so badly.  So I really am dealing with the emotions of selling this home that my husband worked so incredibly hard at.  Watching him work so hard on it was a real picture of his love for me and our family.  He wanted to provide a good home for us and worked hard to do so.  As my tummy was growing daily...he worked harder to complete this house before our first born came.  That is a real picture of love.  So yes, I'm having a hard time leaving that. 

How do I deal with it? I keep in my mind a picture of Brian and his friend Justin running down to the river at the new house.  Brian had a smile on his face when he went down to the river and a bigger smile when he came back up.  He lights up when we pull in the driveway and he is truly happy there.  

I know some have been patiently waiting to see where we are moving.  I have given you a little insight to what it is.  It is small.  It is simple.  It needs help...lots of it.  It needs a cosmetic make over and a renovation inside plus we are planning to rip the roof off and add a second story. it is...

Looks rough right? Alright let me explain what we are going to do.  That front part is the living room/dining room/front porch (I'll take pictures when we get in).  It has a gorgeous fire place and lots of knotty pine which we will be painting...I know...I know...everyone gasp and get over it ;).  The back part of the house is a bedroom, small and cozy, the kitchen (which is actually really big), bathroom and a laundry room/mud room.  Those front windows...look at them...they are gorgeous.  They're all around the house and yes I will search and shop to find ones exactly like them! 

There is an attic with a good set of stairs already there which is a blessing in disguise.  So basically we are taking the roof off and adding 5 ft walls along with dormers off each side and out the front of the house to let in lots of natural light in the upstairs.  My whole "inspiration" is this....wood floors, bright classic neutral colors...updated farm house (although it's a river house).  This house sits on the Muskegon River and is also on 7 acres.  It has a gorgeous long driveway with a turn around there.  The front of the house faces the river.  I don't have pictures of the inside but here are my inspirations for now and then I'll show them room by room as we go!

This is the inspiration for the garage.  That needs a lot of work as well but that will be the last thing we work on ;) I love the siding color and the shutter color. 

I was going to try and upload every picture that I thought you should see for my inspiration BUT I am just going to put the link on here instead. 
Here are few things I am undecided on...
paint the kitchen cabinets or not?
do a butcher block counter top or not? If so...what color...does it have to match the wood floor we are doing through the whole house?
Do wood floor in the bathroom or not? If not what kind of flooring?
Find a spot for a double oven or not? 
What are some necessities for sharing one bathroom? (yes some may think we're crazy but I don't mind only cleaning one bathroom for a while).

Here is the pinterest board to view of all of my inspirations for this home! Enjoy and I can't wait to hear your feedback/opinions on the questions above ;) 

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