Monday, August 18, 2014

my "good" addiction...

We have so many incredible freedoms ... one I highly take advantage of is the freedom to own bibles and bible resources and I have to admit:

"Hi I am Stacie Berenbrock and I have an addiction to books.  More specifically kids bible books!"

so I thought I would take a moment and talk to you about my "reviews" of these children's bibles and devotionals.

First up The Beginner's Bible.  William read through this whole book his first year home for school.  Then Zak would go through with a pencil and underline his sight words.  This book is incredible and what I love about it is that it doesn't take the cross out.  It leaves it all in there.  The stories are short which is great for your young readers and their attention spans. 

The Jesus Storybook Bible with the caption that says it all, "Every story whispers his name"...Jesus.  This book is written by Sally Lloyd- Jones.  My kids love this book for the illustration.  They loved the color and look of the characters! Again..Jesus is the center as is the Cross!

This is a devotional that I want William to really dive into this year by himself.  He is now 8 and I feel this book is a good source for him.  With devotional titles like "true defender", "wearing the belt of faithfulness", "hold your fire", "A kind of counterattack: wearing the belt of kindness" and so on...great for my little warriors!

A year long devotional that I think is GREAT for the whole family to do.  This is a great breakfast time devotional to get your day started and has great topics that allow you focus on them daily...seems to cover the topics/issues that kids deal with know...attitude issues ;) .

If you're not familiar with Sarah Young's Jesus calling books I highly suggest you familiarize yourself with them.  They are excellent.  The kids again, LOVE the illustrations in these but also they love how at the end of each story there is a verse and a little "prayer" that seems like Jesus is talking to them.  And of course as the parent I LOVE that Jesus is on every page...because that is the Bible right? A story of redemption..a story of Christ?

This probably my favorite book to read to the kids.  This book is written by Richard and Renee' Stearns and it's a book on the encounters with Christ in a broken world.  Missionary stories where Christ is evidently and incredibly working.  Miracle stories.  Who doesn't love reading those? Again...this is my favorite but it is also a book for me...well aren't they all?

This book is written by Grace Cremer and it is basically a family read-a-loud.  But it's a great story of the evident love of God from "creation to the cross".

Another favorite...okay can you tell I have a problem? no we don't do these all at once but they are great for all different ages.  This one is definitely for the pre-school age.  The Contents is filled with these titles, "grumpy or jumpy?", "helping others", "writing", "being naughty", "listening" get my point mom? ;)

Lastly...another one of my favorites because not only is it filled with stories from the bible with great illustration but it is also scattered with missionary stories as well from around the world...

There you have opinion for what it's worth on some really great bible/devotionals for kids!

Prices on the books above (all found at Christian book stores or amazon)

The Beginner's Bible - $16.99
The Jesus Storybook Bible - $16.99
God's Mighty Warrior Devotional - $16.99
Grace for the Moments - $15.99
God Before Me God Above Me - $20.99
He Walks Among Us - $19.99
God and Me - $19.99
God's Love for You - $19.99
Jesus Calling - $16.99

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