Thursday, April 16, 2015

William Scott turns NINE

I so remember finding out you were going to join our family...

Two months married and a positive pregnancy test.  It.was.crazy! But God knew what he was doing. You see if we would have gone according to our "plan"...I'm not sure it would have been the same.  We were forced in our marriage to "duke it out" and do it efficiently because we were bringing you into the world.  By "duking it out" I mean all those first years of marriage adjustments that we all face...we had to face them fast :).  Your dad had to learn how to love a hormonal pregnant woman, while working full-time to provide for a small family and build a house on the side (not hire a house to be built...but build it himself).  He had to learn how to deal with morning sickness and that his breath made me want to throw up...not just in the morning but all of the time..even if it smelled peppermint-y!  He got to enjoy two months of "just me" but then had to grow quickly into loving a rounding belly and a waddling wife.  God had a plan and we wouldn't change it for anything! 

You see the day you came into our lives I remember thinking, "how can ANYONE see, witness or go through a labor and delivery and NOT believe in an incredible Designer?"  You came out and I was in awe of how God crafted you inside me and not only that but made room for you! 

The day you came I remember watching your dad.  He didn't let me get up.  He did all of the first diaper changes and through the night adjustments.  I remember looking at him and thinking, "so...this is love".  I loved him before, no doubt about that, but this was a new incredibly indescribable kind of love.  Watching him care for our son....

You have changed so much in our lives!  You are so full of life and so animated!  You are stubborn (not like either of your parents ;) ) but so smart and loving.  You want to impress your parents and please them! You make us laugh with your made up jokes and your silly faces!  

You have stepped into the big brother roll, not all of the time excited about it, but none the less willing to teach, help and love! 

You were the first born grandson on both sides.  Although that will always hold a special place in the hearts of your family...I think it also comes with great responsibility and expectations! You are so soaring above those...

You, my son, are turning into a little man already.  Taking on responsibility around the house and with your family.  Wanting to learn more and more.  Talking about being a police officer when you grow up because you want to be courageous and help people.  You want to do good.  You love to serve people! You are growing up too fast making plans to date.  Even though our rules are waiting until you can drive and first you have to take your mom out on 7 dates and you still can't wait.  You are growing up too fast in my book but son...I couldn't be more proud!

I couldn't be more proud because you have a heart for Jesus.  I don't care if you go to college or have a fancy degree or make something big of yourself because to me making something big of yourself is to lay your life down before carry your cross daily and to love Jesus with all of your heart, mind and soul.

That's the only expectations we have of you son...that Jesus be #1 in your matter what you do!  

Everyday we are grateful for the man God is making you into! Thankful that God chose us to be your parents! Happy Birthday William Scott...we love you so very much!

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