Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Meet Kristen! I take so much joy in maternity pictures.  Every time I see a baby belly Psalms pops into my head....
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb"
Even in the first picture above...I frame bellies not only because it looks cute but because that is mom holding her baby right there.  In this mom's case...babies! Yes! Twins!
Here is her story...
My husband and I have a pretty exciting story to share with Twins on the way!  My due date is May 19th, but the doctor won't let me go past 38 weeks.  The target to have these babies is the last week of April, first week of May.  


Curt and I have been through quite a bit to get pregnant.  It took over 3 years of trying on our own and then going to a fertility specialist.  After many different procedures, our last step was in-vitro.  The first round failed and we really thought our chances of getting pregnant were next to nothing and it was very depressing.  After taking last summer off of everything, we did another round of in-vitro and found out on our 13th wedding anniversary this past September that I was pregnant.  At the 6 week ultrasound, we got the news that we were going to have twins.  I think we were both hoping for twins as we have always wanted two kiddos and now we could be done.  The best part of all is that at the 16 week ultrasound, we found out I'm having a boy and a girl.  So many prayers have been answered for us and we are beyond blessed.  


I really wanted to book professional maternity pictures, but with all the expenses from fertility measures, my husband has been against spending the money.  He bought me a really nice Canon Rebel camera and said I could ask a friend to take some pictures of us with it.  I have a couple friends that would do a good job, but it just isn't the same as doing professional pics.  I really want to capture this experience with great digital photos.  Our wedding pictures from back in 2000 are more portrait style and I would like to get more lifestyle pics of Curt and I.   

Thank you Kristen for trusting me with these absolutely gorgeous and precious moments! Blessings to you on your labor and delivery! 

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