Thursday, February 6, 2014 love and let go...

"are you sure you want to do this? adopt? Do you understand what it could do to your family?"

"once you adopt you are now an adoptive mother"

"I just don't want you to get hurt".....

Surprisingly, or maybe not so much, I have gotten quite a few negative responses about adoption.  Here is what I want to say to you, those who question, disagree or feel the need to give me every "warning" possible...

We plan on having some kind of hurt through this adoption.  We do not plan to hide the fact that this baby is adopted.  We want her to know immediately and all growing up that we wished for her, prayed for her and that God delivered her.  We have this understanding of all children that they are not ours....they are God's.  If he so chooses to entrust us with a child for a couple months and then have that child delivered back to the hands of the birth mother...than so be it.  His grace is sufficient enough for me...

A wise friend told me just today that it's everyone biggest love and let go.  We plan to take this journey because we feel God is calling us there.  You can disagree with our decision, you can question it and you can give all of the negative advice you want but here is the thing, we have been going on a long private journey with God through this and we are going to trust Him fully through it.  God's plan is incredibly PERFECT...who am I to question it? Maybe we won't bring home a child, maybe no one will pick us.  Maybe we will bring home a child and maybe that child will be taken away.  Maybe we do bring home a child and we are blessed to raise her and love her as our own...but eventually she is going to want to find who her real mother is or her real father is...and we are going to have to let matter where we start or how we start..there is going to pain sooner or later.  BUT there's this verse that talks about God's strength being bigger than our weaknesses.  It's a verse that talks about grace and that grace is given over and over and over's never ending and it's sufficient enough. 

"But He said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness'".

I want to ensure you who question our motives....we are not immature in this...we are not children making a quick, out of the blue decision.  God has been in this for many many years.  My heart has been for adoption since before I was married (9+ years ago) and through prayer God has given my husband a heart for it.  This journey of my hearts desire has been ongoing and we are choosing to trust God in it.  We never said it would easy and we never said there would be no hurt...but we are okay with the hurt that will be involved in it because it's that much more of an opportunity to learn from our Father.  I will not pass that up. He works for the good. 


  1. Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying " whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "here am I, send me"-isaiah 6:8

    Jesus said, "whomever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me". Matthew 18:5

  2. I believe you are being obedient, you have heard the fathers call and you are trusting that he will care for you.
