Friday, January 2, 2015

I pulled the thick warm wool sweater over his head, gently layering it with the soft flannel shirt.  I wrap a scarf around his neck and ask him if he wants to wear daddy's hat.  His eyes light up and runs to get it. I couldn't for the life of me find a glove or mitten set.  We never have both...we always lose one. 

I am preparing to celebrate this little man in my life.  One of my most difficult pregnancies but an easy delivery.  The muscles in my stomach weren't strengthened from the previous baby who was just 5 months old.  A 5 month old baby and the positive lines on a pregnancy test.  I'm sure you can imagine my emotions.  My husband flew home from work because he thought something was terribly wrong.  He couldn't understand through the panting and tears over the phone.  The pregnancy was hard and I easily went into pre-term labor with any physical activity.  But on January 2, 2009 Matthew Kurt Berenbrock graced us with him presence and officially became part of this family. 

We call him "smalls".  He is.  He was always a very petite child compared to the others.  Never really had those super chubby cheeks so fat you couldn't see his neck and he never really had fat rolls.  

If you were to ask others about Matt, I am sure you would get a HUGE variety of answers. Words that would come to my mind would be... Loud, crazy, hyper, challenging, small, naughty, mischievous, not affectionate...and the list would go on! 

He has definitely brought challenges.  He was the most content baby.  I remember him sitting on a blanket in the grass up at the cottage perfectly content watching his brothers be active.  He continued to grow and bring many challenges.  His speech lacks so he is hard to understand.  He has allergies so he is loud.  He isn't heard very well from his brothers so he makes it up by being even more loud.  He craves attention but is that middle child.  It's hard to get.  He is dying to be independent but lacks some being able to pour milk from a full gallon.  

Although he brings many challenges...he brings me!

"Love is an unconditional commitment to an imperfect individual to meet the needs of a person in such a manner that will require personal sacrifice."

"Unless you are willing to let a youngster be an original, you will never know what he might blossom into."

Matthew does not like hugs or kisses.  He get stiff as a board if you try to hug him and he knows exactly how many times you've kissed him and where and he wipes them all off.  But you know he loves you when he smiles at you.  His smile speaks so loudly and boldly.  You know he loves you when he climbs on your back or wants you to play with him.  Although I crave snuggles and kisses and hugs from him...I have learned to find ways that reassure he loves me.  He wants to cook with me.  Every morning he sneaks in to see if Daddy left for work yet and if he has...he sneaks into our bed and snuggles close...sometimes fully and sometimes just his feet.  He wants me to tuck him in still and if we're watching a movie...he'll climb up on my lap and watch it with me.

"All great leaders were not child prodigies.  Most of the great people of our day and history had parents - at least a mother - who believed there was something great down inside and were determined to help discover what it was."

Matthew Kurt, your spunk brings so much joy to our lives.  Your smile brings so much warmth to my heart.  Your giggle makes me love that much more.  Your imagination makes me laugh.  Your tears pull on every single one of my heart strings.  You truly are a kind and loving brother.  Every time you see an elephant you think of Auntie.  Every time you see jewelry you think of me.  You share your toys and make sure your little brother is happy.  You truly do put others before yourself and that my child, is a rare quality to have at your age. 

"Never underestimate the awesome, often undiscovered potential of a child. A Bach, an Edison, an Oppenheimer, a Babe Ruth may be waiting to be unleashed."

I often question my ability to be your mom...but I am always grateful for the job given.
I love you!

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